Help, I dont know what to put into the zipfile it wants me to upload into the hub. Please tell me how. Thank you.
In dream maker goto build > package files. Then follow the handy instructions.
In response to Maz
I have just done that and when i open the world from the site it opens in my browser the file of the actual game (all the files and stuff). ??
In response to Ace1607
I have done the above post and it zips a rsc file and when i upload it to the site and go to run it it comes up with alot of F's and B's on the screen where the map and stuff should of been. Any idea's?
In response to Ace1607
You chose the wrong option.
In response to Garthor
Lol. That's simple. When you run the game, go to Layout and then Icon type. Select either Small or Large Icons.

Note: This is all on the bar with File and such.
