![]() Apr 5 2003, 9:30 pm
In response to Garthor
Yet, you were recently in Chatterz....where you and your non-believer friends mocked me and imitated DBZers
Ah, So what. Proves he has no life if he spends his time hanging out in an lame icon trading rip imatating stupid DBZers. Just let him prove how stupid he is. It isn't affecting us, Just him. And the ways people look at him in the future. Which the word "Retarded" would describe, At this time.
Siientx |
...believable......so I suppose I'm the creator? Kuz you were mocking me yesterday with Dracomir and the others!
I tried it, but it didnt work, and then again, the first spell I tried was to double the amount of money in an envelope. At the time I did not realize that this was personal gain, which seems to be a BIG no-no in witchcraft. It also might have been my lack of patience though. Tarot Cards. I was learning to read Tarot cards, but I havent had much time to work with them as of late.I find tarot cards to be very accurate.My mom is pretty good with them too. Ouija Boards. Nope. Never could find one. Thought about making my own, but never got around to it. Pendulums. I have really nice one that my mom got me, I keep it on a necklace that I sometimes wear.I love these things. Of course I read it works off of sub-conscious mind, and much like the Ouija Board, not because of spirits.(do you really think hasbro would market something that had the potential to summon apperitions and talk to them?) Telekinesis. Yep. Tried it. Never works. I once contemplated "going to the prom and winning title of prom queen and then when I`m all happy and stuff having pigs blood dumped on me so that I end up awakening my hidden powers and end up killing everyone there", but its hard to go to a prom when you are homeschooled and dont really care about the local public school. Remote Viewing. I was doing some training for this, but some reason, I stopped. Thanks for reminding me. I need to start that up again... Telepathy. I try this alot. Never works, or if it does, they wont tell me. Voodoo. Nope. never touched the stuff. But a friend of mine said that he was trying to become a VooDoo Priest untill he started having really disturbing dreams. Successful Ritualistic Spell. Nope. I wish though. Preminitions. I have been prone to SERIOUS cases of Deja Vu, like some time I`ll see a car wreck, and then some time later(usually months) I`ll see it and go "woah, I've seen that before" nothing so big as to claim myself psychic, I just brush it off as coincidence. Other Abilities. One of my friend's sister, who is blind, once displayed what seemed to be the ability to change the flow of wind at will.It was creepy. She would hold up her hand and the wind would stop, and then bring it forward and down and the wind would blow from behind forward.and then left, back and right and which ever direction she moved her hand.She's even displayed what seemed a type of telepathy, however, I am not certain it was. |
Months ago, I was involve in a Bicycle accident.I went up a six inch ramp and somehow managed to flip my bike, and slid about 3 feet in some grass and scratched up my elbow pretty bad. I went home to clean my elbow, and noticed a hole in the leg of my shorts. I stuck my finger all the way through it and pulled it out to find blood on it. I pulled up my shorts to find a gash the size of a nickel on my left leg, just above the knee cap. It was gushing blood, and somehow, I hadnt noticed it. I thought that was extremely weird, considering how I'd felt more pain(which means a tiny bit at all) from even paper cuts.
I`d love the ability to block pain, but I dont think I`d go out of my way just to get it, as pain is usually the bodies' way of telling you something's wrong. |
If you mean Xooxer's Chatters, then goddamn SPELL IT RIGHT. =P It's CHATTERS. With an 'S'. Z's instead of S's are for wannabe n00bs. =)
As I have been trying to see if PK would work, I have tried this but my version is a pin sticking through a match instead of an ornament. For me it didn't work when I tried it but it is supposed to take a long time before you get results so I don't know.
Telekineses though doesn't include anything but moving objects. All of them that the people say they have moved, always seem to be metal, so if it does work, my guess is that it has to do with your magnetic field (though I can't see how it would overpower the earth's, just like your gravity can't.).
You can learn to do this, the same way you can learn to quit habits (like smoking). It's the ability of using mind over matter, and it does require training by holding back and toughing up to your pain when it happens, and soon, you will sometimes just not feel it at all.
This isn't always a good thing though. Say your in shop class and you look away to talk to a friend and you keep talking to him for a couple of minutes. You start feeling extremely weird, so you look back only to find 2 of your fingers were cut off and you have lost a ton of blood. You then faint from blood loss and need a blood transplant because you didn't act quickly enough to stop the loss of blood. I am able to hold back pain, and of course when other body parts hurt more than others, they can sometimes overpower the other parts pain till you don't feel them. But I haven't, and am not going to try, to take it to the extreme of not noticing pain at all. |
Jinjo21 wrote:
Well i cant say for a fact that i have seen telekinesis work. But, my dad told me that great grandpa would tape a christmas ornament inside a jug, and put a string on the ornament, after that he would put something on the end of the string then secure it somehow so that it would stop moving. Then he would stare at it for a long time and it would move. Everyone in my family saw him do it. He died before i was born though. Magicians often do this sort of thing by blowing on the object or string. You'd be amazed, but people go for it. |
Kunark wrote:
This isn't always a good thing though. Say your in shop class and you look away to talk to a friend and you keep talking to him for a couple of minutes. You start feeling extremely weird, so you look back only to find 2 of your fingers were cut off and you have lost a ton of blood. You then faint from blood loss and need a blood transplant because you didn't act quickly enough to stop the loss of blood. This can't happen to me, i ignore pain, but pay attention to injury. I hate injury and scarring I'll pull away if I think my body is being injured and if it's caused by another human i'll advance on a different angle. |
Saying that stuff lives in heaven and hell, then saying that one of the reasons for ghosts watching you is because they might of known you from a past life seems kind of strange for a belief... if I'm not mistaken, believing in heaven and hell means you probably don't believe in reincarnation, since heaven and hell are supposed to be the final binds of existence. Most of the stuff listed sounds like it's from Yu Yu Hakusho, or those "ki" websites.
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