Psuedo-randomness, which uses a seed based on things such as x, y and z coordinates to determine that "random" value of something, and tends to have:
Patterns, the things which I want to avoid.
So, you've got a big 100x100 map of turfs. Each turf is given a psuedo-random value based on its x, y and z coordinates. ("x+y+z", "x*y*z", etc...) The value can be either 0 or 1. If its a 0, turn it black. If its a 1, turn it white.
Now observe, and you'll see a nice array of organized-looking "random" turf arrangements. So, the question is, how can I arrange the x, y and z values of each turf together to form a seed for the psuedo-random number generator without having visible patterns? Or can I?
As you can see from this example, the current results, well, suck.
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Rofl sorry foomer but I have no idea what u just said. Sounds cool and all though hope u do what ever u are talking about.