I have two problems,
1. When ppl put on clothes and save with them on, after reloggin they can't take them off!
2.When NPC's attack the person is frozen!
Please help!
Apr 26 2003, 9:28 am
In response to Spuzzum
This is my attack code:
proc Attack(mob/M) var/damage = powerlevel M.TakeDamage(src, damage) TakeDamage(mob/attacker, damage) if (istype(src, /mob/other)) usr << "<font color=red>No..." else if(src.npp == 1|null) src.powerlevel += 0 if(src.npp == 0) src.powerlevel -= attacker.strength src.Die() attacker.powerlevel += rand(0,1) attacker.random = rand(1,3) if(src.powerlevel >= 1) if(attacker.random == 1) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] punches [src] in the face." if(attacker.random == 2) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] kicks [src]." if(attacker.random == 3) view(6) << "<font color = blue>[attacker.name] stumbles and misses [src]." this is my clothing code: obj blueunder name = "Blue Underclothing" icon = 'clothes-blueunder.dmi' worn = 0 verb Wear() set category = "Inventory" if(src.worn == 1) src.worn = 0 usr.overlays -= 'clothes-blueunder.dmi' usr << "You remove the [src.name]." else src.worn = 1 usr.overlays += 'clothes-blueunder.dmi' usr << "You wear the [src.name]." Drop() set category = "Inventory" if(src.worn == 1) usr << "Not while its being worn." if(src.worn == 0) src.loc=locate(usr.x,usr.y+1,usr.z) Get() set category = "Inventory" set src in oview(1) Move(usr) |
Don't show all of your code, please -- just show the relevant bits. ;-)