How can I fix the problem when a person saves then logouts and then comes back they can take of the clothes but the overlay doesnt go away? Here's the verb I use for wearing clothes:
set src in usr.contents
if(wearing == 1)
if(istype(usr, /mob/player/Agna))
usr.overlays -= /obj/clothes/White_Shirt_Agna
layer = MOB_LAYER
wearing = 0
usr.overlays -= src
layer = MOB_LAYER
wearing = 0
src.suffix = null
src.suffix = "Wearing"
if(istype(usr, /mob/player/Agna))
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
usr.overlays += /obj/clothes/White_Shirt_Agna
wearing = 1
layer = MOB_LAYER + 1
usr.overlays += src
wearing = 1

plz someone help
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
plz someone help

Don't bump your post. I'm pretty sure, if the rules are as they were, that your not supposed to do this.

Resonating Light
In response to Resonating_Light
Whilst there is no set rules; we haev rules of etiquette. This bump is allowed as he has waited a day or so.
at a quick glance, it seems your clothes are saved but the clothes var of wearing isnt saved so when you come back in it is on, but the computer doesnt think its on. Therefore its adding more overlays on top of the original.
In response to Maz
yeah the thing you cant do is bump it like a few hours after your original post
In response to Maz
How do i make it save all the vars and the vars of the things in the users inventory?