Not for people, but for their games! This is a little contest with no awards or anything, just to see which games have the most downloads. Assuming your game is downloadable. The game with the most downloads wins. So if you have a downloadable game, just post its name and how many people have downloaded it here.

(Note, I suppose any popular non-games would be acceptable too.)
Well, DBTC currently has 4,021 downloads...

This is actually a new entry for it, put up last November... The original entry for DBTC had over 8,000 downloads...but I forget the exact number...
Windoze - 92
Skater - Even less.

As far as it goes im not a popular game maker. I can put my dimes on OneFishDown being in the top 3 (Rae, Leftley and OFD being my estimate) I know for sure that GTAo has had thousands of ownloads.
Not sure if you are talking about total or current.

Fenris's Apocalypse: 8,797 total downloads.
Wow! Well I've already lost to Kunark, but here goes anyways.

Star Traders
Total Downloads: 1264 (ever)

This should climb once I get around to getting ver. 2.0 out.

In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
Windoze - 92
Skater - Even less.

As far as it goes im not a popular game maker. I can put my dimes on OneFishDown being in the top 3 (Rae, Leftley and OFD being my estimate) I know for sure that GTAo has had thousands of ownloads.

Zeta is the most popular game on BYOND by far; no one can argue against that.. Unless they're really, really dumb. =P

Foomer wrote:
Not for people, but for their games! This is a little contest with no awards or anything, just to see which games have the most downloads. Assuming your game is downloadable. The game with the most downloads wins. So if you have a downloadable game, just post its name and how many people have downloaded it here.

(Note, I suppose any popular non-games would be acceptable too.)

This is Zeta's statistics since it has one server and cannot be downloaded:

Total keys to logon Zeta: 21,093.. Guess that says enough?

In response to RaeKwon
Actually, if you think about it Zeta is the most well known, that doesnt automatically make it the most popular.
Some facts:
A) Sure, heaps play it, but heaps HATE it (No offence, but its true and you know it =P ).
B) You have 21,000+ keys logged, right? A lot of those are duplicate keys, and a lot probably havent logged in for a long time.
C) Its DBZ, which is a fad, which means that it didnt become so popular by its own merit. HrH on the other hand got as popular as it did completely on its own. Thats more of a technicallity, but if your going to decide the most popular game on BYOND you should be splitting it into categories because its unfair to put a text MUD against something like DWO.

Anyway, Im just putting up some arguements because you said no one could, not trying to start a flame war or anything. Oh, and one last thing, don't be so cocky! =P
Ummm yo, anyone can just lie here, which is why I think this is not a good idea. Example...

"Name: DBZeta Everlasting Rip of Terra Zula"
"Downloads: 1.#INF"
In response to Branks
Yes, but what would the advantage of that be?
It means people can slyly advertise there games too, i mean Windoze isnt exactly popular as proven by the amount of downloads but people may decide to take a look merely out of sympathy to me.
In response to RaeKwon
Lol I have a hard time believing that because I don't think 21,000 people even have ever had BYOND.

With that in mind I don't think 21k different keys have logged into it. Are you sure it isn't counting people who have logged in before? I could believe that, but I couldn't believe 21k different keys.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Lol I have a hard time believing that because I don't think 21,000 people even have ever had BYOND.

With that in mind I don't think 21k different keys have logged into it. Are you sure it isn't counting people who have logged in before? I could believe that, but I couldn't believe 21k different keys.

There is well over 60k keys on BYOND. =P

In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
Actually, if you think about it Zeta is the most well known, that doesnt automatically make it the most popular.
Some facts:
A) Sure, heaps play it, but heaps HATE it (No offence, but its true and you know it =P ).
B) You have 21,000+ keys logged, right? A lot of those are duplicate keys, and a lot probably havent logged in for a long time.
C) Its DBZ, which is a fad, which means that it didnt become so popular by its own merit. HrH on the other hand got as popular as it did completely on its own. Thats more of a technicallity, but if your going to decide the most popular game on BYOND you should be splitting it into categories because its unfair to put a text MUD against something like DWO.

Anyway, Im just putting up some arguements because you said no one could, not trying to start a flame war or anything. Oh, and one last thing, don't be so cocky! =P

Does RoM test count? It had well over 70 players on at once before. =)

In response to RaeKwon
Really? Wow, I would have never guessed that many. Where did you see this?
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Really? Wow, I would have never guessed that many. Where did you see this?

On the old BYOND layout, when you clicked people, it had a number at the end of the url.. Change it to see how many keys there are.

Top 10 downloaded games:
10. Goku72.DBZetaClassic
9. BlackDeath.StreetFighterRPG
8. OneFishDown.GTAonline
7. Shadowdarke.Tanks
6. Kunark.FenrissApocalypse
5. TK6000.DBZRPG
4. RaeKwon.DragonBallZeta
3. CappaKyle.DragonBallGTMajour
2. SilkWizard.DragonWarriorOnline
1. Kujila.DBZMajinsandMystics

Top 10 libraries:
10. unimatrix.U_control
9. Spuzzum.s_admin
8. AbyssDragon.AbyssSprites
7. AbyssDragon.AbyssTiles
6. Dantom.htmllib
5. Nadrew.NadrewsLevelingSystem
4. Deadron.TextHandling
3. Deadron.EventLoop
2. Deadron.CharacterHandling
1. Deadron.BaseCamp

Top 10 demos:
10. Shadowdarke.OutsideArea
9. Deadron.SimpleSaving
8. Spuzzum.AlternateShopKeeper
7. Nadrew.NadrewsSpellSystem
6. Nadrew.NadrewsWeaponSystem
5. Vortezz.ClassSelection
4. Deadron.CharacterSaving
3. LilTrunks.RPGStarter
2. Deadron.StepBYOND
1. Dantom.YourFirstWorld

Top 10 overall:
10. OneFishDown.GTAonline
9. Deadron.CharacterHandling
8. Deadron.BaseCamp
7. Shadowdarke.Tanks
6. Kunark.FenrissApocalypse
5. TK6000.DBZRPG
4. RaeKwon.DragonBallZeta
3. CappaKyle.DragonBallGTMajour
2. SilkWizard.DragonWarriorOnline
1. Kujila.DBZMajinsandMystics

Since some authors may not want the exact numbers known (I don't know why, but it's their private info, they can decide whether to reveal it), I didn't give any numbers. But I will say that the top 4 each have over 10,000 downloads.

Interestingly, Dantom.BYOND ranks 16th overall, with 4624 downloads from the hub. That means that more people have downloaded from the website only, rather than auto-updating from the hub. Then again, there are reasons for this.
In response to Air Mapster
That's pretty cool
In response to Maz
Keep this in mind: Just because they're popular, doesn't mean that they're any good.

Hey, it keeps me going at least. I just realized that I can't really say that, since I haven't finished a project yet. Anyways, it's a good philosophy to follow.
In response to Air Mapster
Wow I'm flabbergasted that I beat tanks in downloads.
In response to Kunark
Well don't, you didn't.
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