How could i make a car movement system like in OneFishDown's GTA game? (
I wouldn't even attempt to make a game like that unless you really know what your doing. If it's your first game or close to it, don't try.

In response to Aleis
Now Now, Dont say that! What was onefishdown's first game? GTAO! Even though onefishdown is very 1337 im sure you could do it. Try looking the direction procs up in the help files. North() South() etc....
In response to Jinjo21
Actually, I do believe OFD used a system of Bump procs and rotational procs for icons.
In response to Aleis
its not my first game...i have many games but only one was publicly released
In response to Jinjo21
I lookrf em up but i still have no idea how to acomplish this moving system
In response to Goku72
Well, north, south, east and west aren't going to do anything because in GTA there are about a million directions you can go. Also, please don't make another GTA game, somebody already completely copied Onefishdown's.

In response to Aleis
In response to Goku72
The only car-related thing I used the bump proc for is damaging the car when you hit something.

It uses client/North()/Northeast()/East()/etc. When you hit a key, if you are facing that direction then it moves you forward, but, if you aren't facing that direction then it turns you towards the direction that you pressed and it moves you forward.
In response to OneFishDown
I tried to make it so if your direction is not North you go forward and turn but it doesnt work...Here's what i tried:

if(src.dir == North)
mob.dir = turn(North,45)

Whats wrong with this and how can i fix it?
In response to Koolguy900095
plz help
In response to Koolguy900095
Koolguy900095 wrote:
plz help

Try checking the other posts in this thread, someone already gave ya a "heads up" so to speak.
In response to Goku72
I want to use that but how do you add to is so if your going forward and you press back you stop but if your not moving you go backwards?
In response to Koolguy900095