I'm Looking for a good free host that can have CGI and can use FTP to upload. I've already checked out Netfirms but you dont get alot of bandwidth. Does anyone know where I could find a host to suit my needs?
I can host.Unlimited bandwidth with 140mb web space cgi is included.All this for 20 dimes a month.PHP and MYSQL are being installed.
In response to Soccerguy13
I dont really have money to pay, do you know of any free hosts?
In response to Koolguy900095
Well since I bailed the testing for games I can do this for free but 100mb webspace.
In response to Soccerguy13
KOOL! Is there a way i could contact you, like e-mail or something? Here's my e-mail [email protected]
In response to Koolguy900095
[email protected], I have msn if you have it.And i have ICQ my number is 210689515
In response to Soccerguy13
K I added you on my MSN
In response to Koolguy900095
Hehehehehe...Soccerguy and Koolguy join forces for the better of mankind!!!

::Ponders if they'll have decoder rings:: >=)
Here is a search for hosts. Some are free and some aren't, so look around =)
