Well, as much as that little "mine shaft" story humored me, I would still like a feasable explanation for the Dime crisis. When dealing with cold, hard cash, it may be a bit wiser to deal with it in a more serious tone than 'once-upon-a-time'.
My Wallet has been siezed, and the only option is to withdraw to PayPal, which I do not have, and cannot sign up for.
And how does BYOND function? There are no ads, no charging, and now no dimes. How does a company function without a stable source of income? I highly doubt that selling stickers and a couple copies of a book is going to float an expensive company with dozens of servers.
I say fill BYOND with ads and start charging for Dream-Maker.
![]() May 4 2003, 10:14 am
![]() May 4 2003, 10:37 am
BYOND never had a stable source of income. As far as I know, Dantom has pretty much been losing money on it since they started. If you have some suggestions for how they could change that, I don't think they'd object to hearing them, but Dantom has already stated, and apparently has no interest in going back on their statement, that BYOND will always be free. (Coming up with a shceme to drain money from the player and developer population without directly charging for the use of BYOND is something else...)
Guitar86 wrote:
Byond is just dying buddy. No it isn't; BYOND is going through a restructuring so that Dantom will start making money on the enterprise instead of losing it. Lummox JR |
Guitar86 wrote:
Byond is just dying buddy. Byond isnt even close to dying with the community as big as it is nowadays and new games coming out every other day. This will do byond some good. For one it will get rid of those Icon trader games and zeta rips whos purpose was solely to charge money for "Gm" . |
Well you have to learn from your mistakes. *Does anyone remember a little thing called the great depression? Back then we just kept it up and we got through it*
Guitar86 wrote:
They never made money nor will That's a rather dismal pronouncement, but fortunately purely ignorant. Dantom are just rearranging things right not to make the business model work; it is not the end of the world, nor the end of BYOND. Lummox JR |
And how long exactly have you been Mr. Dantom's Funds Expert?
Guitar86 Forged 9/3/02 Boy! I could have sworn BYOND has been around longer than that! |
A long time ago as in 2 weeks ago or so?
Anyways, if you are out of it, why not delete this: Icon Trading 4 by Guitar86 The game is back with all new ****, come on in and make some dimes! The game is in the early testing stages. Icon Chatterz is a rip and has steal Icon, why play the cheap rip off when you can play my game the real deal. I could have sworn I saw that hosted just recently. Or maybe delete these: Icon Trading 3 by Guitar86 Icon Trading 2 by Guitar86 Icon Trading by Guitar86 I think we have found one of the sources of Dantom's current legal nightmare :) |
Guitar86 wrote:
They never made money nor will Certainly not with icon trading games like your own... |
Kujila wrote:
My Wallet has been siezed, and the only option is to withdraw to PayPal, which I do not have, and cannot sign up for. It has come to my attention that I failed to address this little change to our system. We indeed removed the option to withdraw dimes to a check. This was strictly to reduce hassle on our end, since we figured a lot of people might be cashing out now that dimes are (at least temporarily) obsolete. But lest you think it is some sort of scam on our end, let me explain. As far as I know, PayPal allows you to "cash out" without having to provide credit or bank info. If we send you money, and you don't have a PayPal account, all you have to do is create a password and then go to the Withdraw link to have them send you a check. I am not certain that this works with International accounts, or if they may require additional information. We'll have to investigate this. At any rate, if you have any problems turning your dimes into cash, don't hesitate to contact us. We can always send you a check as per the old system... we'd just prefer to use PayPal for the majority of transactions. We aim to please. |
Tom wrote:
We aim to please. My grandmother had a sign in the bathroom: "We aim to please. You aim too, please." |
Tom wrote:
As far as I know, PayPal allows you to "cash out" without having to provide credit or bank info. I investigated this a bit more. As it turns out, PayPal actually does require some more information to withdraw a check. This must be a somewhat recent change, because I know it didn't used to be the case. They'll verify your address with either a credit-card or bank account. I imagine you can just enter your credit-card information, request a check, and then withdraw the card from the account. I understand that not everyone has access to this information. If this applies to you, and you want to withdraw dimes at this time, simply contact us at [email protected] and we'll just send the check ourselves. Or you can just hold onto the dimes (they'll always be accessible for withdrawal) until they are either reintroduced or you obtain a credit-card. Sorry for the inconvience. On the plus side, the less e-commerce BS we have to deal with, the more time we have to improve BYOND itself. |