In response to FuZzY DiCe
last year i dropped out of highschool (year 10). im currently on a world trip. when i get back ill get a part time job and continue karate and start up kung fu. next year ill get a low pay job and go to TAFE to do a bussiness course.
im not sure what job ill get when im done with tafe, but after 5 years of learning Kung Fu, ill either start my own kung fu school, but if im not happy enough with my kung fu skills ill either wait a year or start a karate school.
and i plan on moving it international once i have a few teachers trained in australia first.
a friend and i are starting kung fu together so we'll more then likely teach it together.

this is my plan for now.
In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:
DarkView wrote:
Yeah, but its not nearly as hard to be a success at McDonalds as it is to be a successful programmer.

Being excellent in any career is no more or less difficult than in any other career. The energy and brainpower expended are the same.

Thats true, but I said be a success, lots of people are excellent in there field but still dont succeed.
In response to DarkView
In my dreamt up world, I am a highly appreciated game designer for a leading evolution in the online gaming industry. In the real one, im an image editor / manager for a company sponsoring photographers.

I plan to go through Gymnasium, but I can't really say what I will do at that point, because I know it will change in half a year. And then in another half a year. And then again...So will the available jobs and possibilities. I do plan to go to University, however. Not sure to study what, though.
In response to Alathon
By the way, Alathon's term of Gymnasium is not like what you would think in the US. It has little to do with a Gym. In Europe, this is what they call their 'secondary school'... sorta like their 'pre-university school'
I either want to write, or program. Maybe a little of both. I always have loved games and books, mainly fantasy, so it just seems something cool to do. Right now I am so young I will probably change my mind fifty times by the time I make a definite choice. Right now I am studying c++ to go towards the programming road.

Michael Boyd~
In response to digitalmouse
Yeah, thanks for clearing that up.
In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
I too have been considering full sail. I get brochures and stuff now :D only 2 years before I would go though, I plan on a gap year to Japan.

In response to Sariat
I think he is gonna sponsor the clothing?

In response to Sariat
Hehe, yeah! I love the "I drop it, I eat it" polocy. Lol, just kidding, but that is a polocy in many fast food restraunts.
In response to Kunark
Actually, I spend about 25-45% of my time at McDonald's eating (on the job).
In response to Sariat
SLACKER!!! Joke(not really) but any how. I wish to play college football and perhaps even pro one day. I am doing pretty well for myself currently. But, as a draw back I still know a vast deal of html and Java and I am currently learning CGI and looking up PHP.
In response to Syke01
you have so much potential for an artist...why are you planning to teach martial arts?
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Martial Artist.
In response to Hazman
In response to Soccerguy13
Yep, my dream is to be a programmer, like my Dad. *sniff* *remembers first days when dad taught him hello world in QBASIC* and writing fantasy is also something that I love. I hope to get a degree in Computer Science, and maybe physics or something. I'm not sure what branch of Computing a want to enter, but games are good, and i'd like to dabble in CGI.
I'm probably going to sign up for the Seals then do it for a strait term, and then I'm going to probably go to college and get a degree in law, after that I'll try to make it into the HPD or the police department of whatever city I will be living in at that time.

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