Prenote: I am just a newbie and all suggestions I make are very unlikely to be carried out by me because I don't know how!
I had an idea.
A Trading Card Game, like Yu-Gi-Oh, or something, where you walk around, do quests e.t.c. But when you duel it goes to a kind of card table like in other cards games e.g. 31, Hearts.
This would be sooo good. It would make card gaming easier and more newb friendly, and people would get to walk around on a map.
If anyone has the knowledge or resources to build such a game I would be delighted to help make icons for the cards e.t.c
![]() May 11 2003, 9:01 am
![]() May 14 2003, 4:31 am
Doesn't anyone have ANY opinion on this?
Yes this might be good. It would be good to make games last short and not the duration of the real version of the game you are making because then it would be real boring. Also it would take a lot of coding o make the AI for the NPCs when you play against them because there are so many possibilities of plays they could make eaech turn. But if you really want to try I'm not going to stop you :) I would like a Magic the Gathering game simply because you could go to and all the cards are there for you to make icons of em :-)
~starwarspower~ |
We wouldn't HAVE to make AI for NPC's, it could be multiplayer only. BUT I am willing to devote a LOT of my time to this, if someone can do/tell me how to bring a card game up, and handle cards.
The simplest way of handling a basic card game is to have a type for them - say, /obj/card - and generate one card object for every card that you want in the game. When you generate it, add it to a global list containing all the cards in the game. To deal (and shuffle at the same time), create a copy of the global card list. Then loop through all the players in the game repeatedly and give them a card randomly picked from your copied list. Remove the card from the copied list when you do this. Repeat until (a) there are no more cards or (b) you've dealt enough cards.
To define what cards you want, either use lists or subtypes. For a standard deck, have two lists; one for suits - var/suits[]=list("Hearts","Diamonds","Spades","Clubs") - and one for the value of the card - var/card_values[]=list("Two","Three",[...],"King","Ace"). Then make a card for each value and suit. (Remember to assign cards variables telling it what value and suit the card is.) For a trading card game, it might be better to define subtypes of /obj/card and loop through typesof(/obj/card) to get the card types; the cards are generally less predictable and more varied than a standard deck, so using lists becomes cumbersome at best. <code>obj/card/somereallyl33tspell name="L33tness!" desc="Causes the caster to become an ub3r l33t hax0r d00d!!!!11!!!1!"</code> It's not really all that difficult. Displaying cards can be a little trickier, but if you're content with displaying the player's hand in a big long statpanel, then you can just put cards in the player's contents and do <code>statpanel("Cards",contents)</code>. Or you can mess around with HUDs - looks better, but is harder to program. |
As I said, i am a REAL newb, and even making a loop that deals 1 card to each player until they are all gone might take me a week! Displaying a table to play the cards on would be just impossible for me.
Gokuss4neo wrote:
As I said, i am a REAL newb, and even making a loop that deals 1 card to each player until they are all gone might take me a week! Then take a week! It'll be worth it for the experience alone. Displaying a table to play the cards on would be just impossible for me. Eh... you make a table object, slap it down on your map, and move cards to it. |
Hey,Goku,I was thinking of making a Digimon Card Battle mini thing in my Digimon Online game.Also,I'm a BIG newb and I need help with lots of stuff along with card games.If you find the trading card coding can u tell me?
For both of you. I quit working on my old game because i was having troubles that were so aggravating im giving up for awhile. If either of you need help, Page me. I've already added both of you.
you can get card icons everywere good thinkin jump on someones back and enjoy the ride.
SURE :D, I am a newb as you all know, but if there is anyway I can help ANYONE (apart from SuperStevie 'cos he's lame) I will help :D
This post is actually really asking someone to do a HELL load of coding for me, and I have only just realised that it migth be better suited for the ads...BUT I am not paying anyone so it is very unlikey for me to get any help there.
So I ask, (knowingly on the wrong forum), is there ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE that would feel generous enough to make the basic coding for this card game. I am willing to do all the long boring bits of coding in the cards Name Strength Defense and to make all the icons, I just need someone to make me the skeleton. Thank You ~-GokuSS4Neo |