I dont believe this something so easy i forgot how to do.
anyway its a peice of coding:
mob/Mod/verb/GiveMoney(mob/M in world)
set category = "Mod"
desc = "Give Somone N Amount Of Money"
var/N = null
M<<"[src] has given you [N] gold."
src<<"you gave [M] [N] amount of gold."
i forgot how to make the src be able to use that null to give money.
May 22 2003, 4:10 am
In response to Cra Zee Coder
Cra Zee Coder wrote:
mob/Mod/verb/GiveMoney(mob/M in world,N as num) You should also check they you aren't trying to give a negative amount and that you aren't giving more money then you have. |
In response to OneFishDown
As an admin, I don't think he'd care :)
In response to Foomer
yea it was num not null :| anyway thanks all
mob/Mod/verb/GiveMoney(mob/M in world,N as num)
set category = "Mod"
desc = "Give Somone N Amount Of Money"
M<<"[src] has given you [N] gold."
src<<"you gave [M] [N] amount of gold."
mob/Mod/verb/GiveMoney(mob/M in world)
set category = "Mod"
desc = "Give Somone N Amount Of Money"
var/N = input("How much would you like to give to [M]?") as num
M<<"[src] has given you [N] gold."
src<<"you gave [M] [N] amount of gold."
Also, I think this belongs in Newbie Central