In response to Branks's pretty dumb to put 5,000,000 popups when you left click because i have to right click to refresh the red x's on stimulus' comic and to also copy and paste the link if that doesnt work.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:'s pretty dumb to put 5,000,000 popups when you left click because i have to right click to refresh the red x's on stimulus' comic and to also copy and paste the link if that doesnt work.

Those stupid right-click protection scripts do nothing anyway. You could always just do view source. I also know another way to bypass them, so they're pointless. :P

In response to Volte
Or you can just click a lot, youll get it after a few tries.
In response to Branks
Hrm. Do you mind if I do a faceball comic? I wanna do one on the Fat Buu, heh heh. Well im working on one right now just incase you say yes. and if you dont say yes it will never see the light of day.

<FONT COLOR = red>~ Jermman</FONT>
In response to Jotdaniel
Your right their.
In response to Branks
I didn't misread that. I interpreted that exactly as you meant it, but the point is that what you said is ambiguous, and when there's ambiguity, if the person reading it misinterprets it and is in a position where it could really make them mad, then it's wiser to be specific.

The statement "Dragonball Z characters are not copyrighted" is wrong however you say it; "Dragonball Z characters are not copyrighted by this author" is more accurate but still doesn't indicate to FUNimation that you aren't trying to violate their copyright.
In response to Branks
Ok, I have the first three editions of my comic completed and they can be viewed at "". Check it out and give me some feed back.

If anyone is offended by this or would like to be in one, just let me know.

Seemed like a good time to plug my high school buddy's comic.
<font color=red>[WARNING: FOUL LANGUAGE]
In response to Stimulus
In response to FuZzY DiCe
Lol. Nice comics.
In response to Branks
The people scream for more Maz!
In response to Branks
You had a perfectly good, funny comic there, until you decided to insult everyone in every single one of them. It got old, fast. (Although some parts were funny)

In response to Maz
They shall receive more Maz. :)
In response to Branks
Im getting a 404 on stim's comic. the fighterslegend.hmtl one.
In response to Branks
Someones angry...
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