I know. I know. I'm a bad coder i suck at it. but i need
your help. we can unite and all become one big brain of
knowlege on how to code and i want to be the brain. wait no
now im going of the subject. Damn it wait. Umm... i need
help tring to figure out a battling system that is like
when u go up to a monster u can just kill it buy holding
down the macro not no crap like u got into a battle system
mode and its like attack or run none of that.
![]() May 30 2003, 6:31 pm
![]() May 30 2003, 6:32 pm
Sorry, those battle systems are bad. Thus, I shall not help you. You'll thank me later. Well, you probably won't, but you'll be better off anyway.
<code>mob/var health = 10 damage = 10 mob/verb/Attack(mob/M) var/dmg = rand(damage) M.health -= dmg view() << "[src] hit [M] for [dmg] damage!" if(M.health <= 0) del(M) world << "[M] died!"</code> |
erm.... I have never seen Garthor help anyone.... so dont feel bad Brown.... I have gone back 3 months and still no help from him :P. I need a battle system like that too.... but mine needs to encorperate strength.... and weaponattack.
SilentFoe wrote:
erm.... I have never seen Garthor help anyone.... so dont feel bad Brown.... I have gone back 3 months and still no help from him :P. I need a battle system like that too.... but mine needs to encorperate strength.... and weaponattack. you are definetly right i have never seen him help anyone, hes just rude. |
shhhh.... I'm trying to give him a bad rep :P ;). and brown... I have created my own battle system like that if you wish to try it i will let ya