![]() Jun 12 2003, 8:55 am
Is it possible to add an obj to a list. Then useing a for loop? pick one and change its vars. I didn't see anything about it in the demos, nor never heard of it, that's why I'm posting. All help is appreaciated.
![]() Jun 12 2003, 11:44 am
I don't follow.
A list can contain variables. I want to know if a list can contain obj's. Then somewhere else in the code I want to loop through the list and check the obj's it contains.
If that's all possible I'd like to know how I would do it. [Edit]Or assign a variable the obj (Possible?) then add the varibale to the list..and so on. It's just an idea..[Edit] |
SSChicken wrote:
A list can contain variables. I want to know if a list can contain obj's. Then somewhere else in the code I want to loop through the list and check the obj's it contains. Of course. var/list/ObjList = list(new /obj/MyObj, new /obj/YourObj) ~>Volte |
Thank you ^_^ that's what I needed for the list. Now I'm trying something different. I'm trying to use a switch(input( thing. Here it is:
var/list/Foods= list (new /obj/apples) It dosn't give me any compile errors but nothing happens when I click on the verb during the game. P.S. I don't actually need to eat apples. This is just a subsititue to my real code. |
is hunger defined? also, it should be src.hunger, usr is evil, you know! also, this may not be the problem, but you have no space between )in list. it should be ) in list(Foods)
I could be wrong about this, but I think it's right... |
Hunger is defined. I changed usr to src (It wouldn't make much of a difference since its a verb) and the in dosn't matter because it's blue either way (But I checked anyways, and it didn't make a difference).
Yes it is all behind the scenes. I don't have much of a map or anything. I'm trying to finish the base of my game first, then add the preety stuff.
The reason this doesn't do anything is because it's all behind the scenes stuff. It should do exactly what it says, but you don't see any results. Try this for a hunger proc.
proc I'm not sure if this will work, but most of it should with a little tweaking! |
But that's not what I'm trying to acomplish, like I noted in one of my earlier posts. I'm useing apples as a substitue to make it simpler. Here is what I'm trying to make:
I will have a lot of obj's and they will all have different vars. I want every player in the game to be able to take them and alter their vars. If there is a better way of doing it them I'm trying to right now the please tell me. |
SSChicken wrote:
> var/list/Foods= list (new /obj/apples) There are a few things I can say about this.. 1. You don't really need the 'list' part. You can just do 'in Foods'. 2. When using the switch, you're acting as if it's a string. It's an obj, so it won't do you any good to use a string. Try if(/obj/apples). 3. Since 'apples' is the only thing in the list, it won't bring up the list box. You need to add something else, or do: switch(input("Which object?") in Foods+"Cancel") ~>Volte |
Volte wrote:
2. When using the switch, you're acting as if it's a string. It's an obj, so it won't do you any good to use a string. Try if(/obj/apples). Actually, that won't work - an object does not equal its type string. You'd have to do something like this: <code>var/atom/A=input("Which object?") in Foods switch(A.type) if(/obj/apples) if(/obj/banana) if(/obj/and_so_on)</code> |
Actually what he gave me worked ^_^. I only tried it with one item so far, and didn't really experiment much but it works to some extent. I'll be trying out both ways.