Alright im skrewed, i have a mob(Ant) dense 0 blah blah, on mobs Entered() will not work, so i turn it into a turf, walk_rand() now doesn't work. Im bummed both ways any way to help?
icon ='Obsticles.dmi'
icon_state = "Ant"
density = 0
var/AntAlive = 1
if(AntAlive == 1)
icon_state = "Squish"
AntAlive = 0
Jun 15 2003, 3:37 am
Jun 15 2003, 4:32 am
What happens? How does it not work?
In response to Hazman
Entered() does not work for mobs and objs, walk_rand() does not work for turfs/area. I use both so any way im skrewed. And by the way i fixed it by making it Bump() :/
Make the ants mobs, but when you enter a turf check for all ants in that turf and squish them. This way, you can still use the Entered() proc and the walk_rand() proc.
In response to Crashed
Entered works for mobs and objs. You put a check in there however, so that it only does stuff for /mob/male.