In Super Hero Bash! , (which I plan to start sometime this summer or at least pass it on....) , I plan to have Server Wide Events, where something critical happens that will change the face of the game.
Now, here's a scenario:
There is a big explosion, and from the sewers, emerges hundres of Walking-Rat Mutants. Now, they attack everybody, good or evil. Some are weak, some are strong, just like the players. The strongest one will be 1.5 times stronger than the strongest player logged in for 1 week (not sure how I'll do that), just so they could stand a chance, but not be easily killed. Now, I was thinking, you know how Super Heroes always sacrifice themselves and all, what if a player was given the option to risk thier life, in order to defeat the army? Say that, Slick Sariat was feeling guilty becuase he dropped that bucket of radiation down the sewers and wanted to make things right.
So, he would do something (a quick mission/meeting perhaps) to make him 2x stronger in every way, but if he got let's say..... %50 below 0 Health (Like a super devastating blow) , he'd die. Permanantly. It'd be good for RP, too.
"Man, that Slick Sariat was a true hero, I miss him... I remember when...."
And that name would never be able to be used again. What are some of your ideas on this?
![]() Jun 15 2003, 2:04 pm
Sounds cool, but wont everyone just do this quest to get 2x stronger, then let someone else take the bullet?
[Edit] Also, one thing you have to include in any Superhero/Supervillian game is the ability to have several catch phrases macroed. So if I press z x or c it will automatically yell a catch phrase, and give me a stat boost for a minute. <DarkViewMan yells: SPOOOOON!> <DarkViewMan beats Captian Beefheart into the ground> Quick Quiz: Who is Captian Beefheart and what does he do? |
I can't think of many players taking advantage of such a choice, but I can offer you a way around it.
The reason superheros make sacrificial choices is that they have an ideal to live up to, a feeling of responsibility. Players won't necessarily have that--they're merely playing the role of a superhero, and they wouldn't want that role to end. Yet the world is about more than just the superhero, and the hero knows this very well. The solution is a saga approach, to guarantee that life goes on in some form for the player after their hero has perished. There are several ways to carry on a legacy:
DarkView wrote:
Sounds cool, but wont everyone just do this quest to get 2x stronger, then let someone else take the bullet? No, becuase they would be busy fighting. The 2x stronger thing would only be for a set amount of time. Or until a GM removes it. (Staff members will be GM's so that they could develope the storyline). [Edit] Also, one thing you have to include in any Superhero/Supervillian game is the ability to have several catch phrases macroed. So if I press z x or c it will automatically yell a catch phrase, and give me a stat boost for a minute. Heh, sounds cool, but then, wouldn't everybody use that all the time? And what are the negatives of using it? Quick Quiz: Who is Captian Beefheart and what does he do? A: Gughunter in a dirty muscle shirt and boxer. |
Sariat wrote:
DarkView wrote: What?!?! GM's developing the story!?!? What sort of crazy game is this?! GM's are there for one thing alone, to boot me for not speaking 1337. [Edit] Also, one thing you have to include in any Superhero/Supervillian game is the ability to have several catch phrases macroed. So if I press z x or c it will automatically yell a catch phrase, and give me a stat boost for a minute. Yeah probably. Im not sure if you have any sort of "MP" stat, but if you do it could half that or something. |
DarkView wrote:
Sariat wrote: I hope that was a joke. [Edit] Also, one thing you have to include in any Superhero/Supervillian game is the ability to have several catch phrases macroed. So if I press z x or c it will automatically yell a catch phrase, and give me a stat boost for a minute. I was thinking probably taking half of their energy, or giving them a set "Beserk" points. Or how we like to say it up in the hizzood "Bizzerk". |
Quick Quiz: Who is Captian Beefheart and what does he do? You'll pay for that!! I do like the idea of designing the game in a way that will reward heroic sacrifices (which could include not only the hero's death but also a permanent injury, or the loss of a power or something valuable to the hero). You know, I haven't checked out SHB in a long while... maybe I should investigate it and write a review for BYONDscape. |
Gughunter wrote:
Quick Quiz: Who is Captian Beefheart and what does he do? Muahaha, what are you going to do about it? I HAVE GM POWERZ111!11!111 ROFL I do like the idea of designing the game in a way that will reward heroic sacrifices (which could include not only the hero's death but also a permanent injury, or the loss of a power or something valuable to the hero). Hrm, a permanant loss of power/item/skill might work out even better than death. You know, I haven't checked out SHB in a long while... maybe I should investigate it and write a review for BYONDscape. Well, once we get everything working again and in presentable form, I'll contact you. Right now, Hazman is doing MY work, heh. I didn't feel like spending the whole summer failing on making a missions system. But, everything is planned out and ready to go. But, if you wear your BYONDscape Press-Pass on your hat, you might just sneak into the closed beta's =D. (But please, change your boxers and muscle shirt :P) -Sariat |
Sariat wrote:
Hrm, a permanant loss of power/item/skill might work out even better than death. I can see DarkViewMan lining up at the unemployment office now, muttering about how he used to be a somebody, until he lost his powers saving the world. |
Heh, I can just see that - a retired superhero filling out an unemployment benefit form:
Let's see now... Name: DarkView. Address: Secret. Date of Birth: Wouldn't you like to know (oh crap, that won't fit). Former employment: Superhero. Reason for losing job: Lost my powers. Past job experiences: Saving the world, defeating my arch-nemesis... =P |
Heh. Well, you could always use your OTHER powers. It won't take away ALL yours powers. Maybe I should have said that.
Correction then:
Name: DarkView. Address: Secret. Date of Birth: Wouldn't you like to know (oh crap, that won't fit). Former employment: Superhero. Reason for losing job: Lost my powers. Past job experiences: Saving the world, defeating my arch-nemesis... Still has ability to see through clothes. |
Maz wrote:
Still has ability to see through clothes. Only clothes, not walls or anything, and I cant control that power... Sometimes I find myself getting dressed 4 or 5 times a day... |
I always wondered why that didn't happen to superheroes. I guess skin-tight clothes are pretty easy to feel on your skin. The worst thing, though, would be all the ugly people. All the ugly people!
Did anyone ever watch the TV series "Coupling"? In one episode, one of the guys gains the ability to see everyone naked. He really enjoys himself, until he goes to a funeral with all these old people... =D |
DarkView wrote:
Quick Quiz: Who is Captian Beefheart and what does he do? Isn't that the name of an old 70's band? Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band, or something like that. |
*claps foor Sariat* Im impressed Sariat that was good too read :). History and rp server wide events arnt the only important thing in RPG's. often it is the every day things that get the blood going for those playing and RPing. Often those every day things get reaction and as a consiquence Big server side things happen. If you ever take a history course that is one of the main things the teach you. Action->Reaction->Consiquence. All through history this accoress. So could you do through an RPG.
About the name never being used again though I dont know. What if there is a comit that hits the planet and destroys every thing. Then it starts all over again and not knowing not to be able to use that name or even what it means would be likly. Know what I be saying Sariat.
I always thought of a time traveling RPG would be a nice new look on Rping. The person for who knows why somthing along with the story line would be able to time travel from one time to another. Like you must go back 3 seconds ago and stop me from sneezing. O.o right any way it might make a good Multi RPG some what. Diffrent times could be diffrent maps each having some what similar story lines.
A mix of mortal combat and Final Fantasy would be wounderful in my oppinion. That way you have a more person control combat system were if you type in the wrong key at the wrong time your head is chopped clean off your body. Makes you need to be more aware of your sroundings in the game and whats going on at all times.
Sorry for the mis spelling I never was to good at english.