Jun 25 2003, 2:12 am
ook i need some one to tell me how this stuff works cuase i dont understand it how di i get a simple command for me to reboot and only me cuase if i ever did find out i would probly only be able to give it out to every 1 can anyone help me out
In response to ShakerDeath
dude trust me i hav i jsut cant understand them that well i started to think maybe the forms could give me some help
In response to Xaphan
No, you havn't looked in the libraries/demos. There is at least 2 I can think of right now. S_Admin by Spuzzum and R_Admin by RaeKwon (I think). Those are very simple to use.
Airjoe |
In response to Airjoe
ummmmmmmmmmm yes i have looked in demons and i hav not looked at the raekwon 1 but the spuzzman 1 i have and im not that good at coding im only learning
In response to Airjoe
ok.. try this
mob Login() if(usr.key == "Xaphan") src.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Reboot else return Reboot() set name="Police Reboot" set category="Police" world << "<font face=arial><font color=blue><font size=4>Server Rebooting in 5 Seconds!"//set message be4 reboot sleep(50)//set time in milisec world.Reboot() cuz of the forum it's crappy with wrong spaces and stuff but u'll find out i guess |
In response to Xaphan
First off, stop typing so fast and try and fix your errors(not even all of them, just some) Theres no such thing as "demons" on the BYOND website (unless you count Dragon of Ice =P). The spuzzum admin library is VERY easy to understand. There are many comments, and if you read some things, it tells you how to make it work. Basically all you have to do is find a var called:
var/const/MASTER_KEY = OR var/const/MASTER_KEY = "Spuzzum" It's very close to the top.Just place your key in quotes: var/const/MASTER_KEY = "Xaphan" Airjoe (I would tell you how to use Raekwon's, but I've never used that) |
In response to Airjoe
ok.. try this mob Login() if(usr.key == "Xaphan") src.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Reboot else return Reboot() set name="Police Reboot" set category="Police" world << "server rebooting in (time) seconds!//text be4 reboot sleep(50)//set time in milisec world.Reboot() i've fixed the stupid crappy blue text |
In response to Airjoe
sozz about the typeing i did mean demos lol i was in a rush cuase im being a tester on a game thank u both for helping me out and i hope i can get this stuff to work once again thank u both for trying to help a newb out :)
In response to ShakerDeath
ShakerDeath wrote:
ok.. try thisPlease close your tags, and put your code in DM tags. This is very wrong: 1: You put reboot indented under Login(). Not a good thing 2: Because you have reboot under login, you will get an error because it isn't under mob/admin/verb. 3: Ya didn't close your tags. Very important. This would be a better one: mob That would be a better way. Im not 100% sure about it though. Airjoe |
In response to Xaphan
well, we all have been noobs once... |
In response to ShakerDeath
In response to Airjoe
oops, my bad.. very very stupid...
ok iv done the admin commands for them to only go to me right but now i cant add music i know what to do this is what i have
Music(S as sound) world << sound(S,1) Stop_Music() world << sound(null) see when i do that it does nto go into Gm commands it just goes into normle commands i thought i knew how to fix it by going like dis set category = "Admin" Music(S as sound) world << sound(S,1) Stop_Music() world << sound(null) but that dont work its say music is not a prock not more and << is not right so how can i add this to my admin list |
In response to Xaphan
admin verb Play_Music(S as sound) world << sound(S,1) Stop_Music() world << sound(null) Try that. |
In response to Airjoe
its under that already i think it looks like this
admin/verb Create(O as null|anything in typesof(/obj,/mob)){set category = "Admin"; set desc="Create an Object, Mob, or Turf."; if(!O)return;var/T = new O(usr.loc); world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] created a [T:name]."; view() << "With afew swift movements from [usr]'s hands, a [T:name] appeared."} Boot(mob/M in world) set category = "Admin" set desc = "Who do you wish to boot? (Note: you can not boot yourself.)" if(M == usr){usr << "Can't boot yourself."} else{Announcement("[usr] Booted [M].");world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] booted [M] from the game.";M.Logout()} Edit(obj/O as obj|mob|turf|area in view()) set category = "Admin" set desc="You can edit a targets variables." var/variable=input("Which var do you wish to edit.","Var") in O.vars,GH=O.vars[variable] if(isnull(GH)){usr << "Error"} else if(isnum(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be a Number.";default = "Number"} else if(istext(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be Text.";default = "Text"} else if(isicon(GH)){usr << "Variable appears to be a Icon.";GH = "\icon[GH]";default = "icon"} else if(istype(GH,/atom) || istype(GH,/datum)){usr << "Variable appears to be TYPE.";default = "type"} else if(istype(GH,/list)){usr << "Variable appears to be LIST.";default = "cancel"} else if(istype(GH,/client)){usr << "Variable appears to be CLIENT.";default = "cancel"} else{usr << "Variable appears to be FILE.";default = "file"} usr << "Variable Contains The Following: [GH]" switch(input("What Kind of variable?")in list("Text","Number","Icon","File","-= Cancel =-")) if("-= Cancel =-"){return} if("Text"){O.vars[variable] = input("Enter new text:","Text",\O.vars[variable]) as text} if("Number"){O.vars[variable] = input("Enter new number:","Num",\O.vars[variable]) as num} if("File"){O.vars[variable] = input("Pick file:","File",O.vars[variable]) \as file} if("Icon"){O.vars[variable] = input("Pick icon:","Icon",O.vars[variable]) \as icon} Teleport(mob/M in world){set category="Admin";set desc="Who do you wish to teleport to?";usr.loc=M.loc;world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] teleported to [M].";view()<<"[usr] appeared in a flash."} Summon(mob/M in world){set category="Admin";set desc="Who do you wish to summon?";M.loc=usr.loc;world.log<<"<font color=#607B8B>[usr] summoned [M].";view()<<"[usr] summoned [M]."} Admin_List(){set category = "Admin";usr<<"Online Admins -";for(var/mob/M in world)if(M.admin==1){usr<<"[M]"}} Announcement(message as message){set category = "Admin"; world << "<font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------\ <font color=#607B8B><center>Announcement:<font color=#607B8B><center>[message]\ <font color=#607B8B><center>--------------------------\ ------------------------------"} Music(S as sound) world << sound(S,1) Stop_Music() world << sound(null) sozz about how mixed up it is buts its under what u said |
In response to Xaphan
DM tags! DM tags! Memorize it! Let it haunt you! Use DM tags! thats < and > with DM in the middle without spaces!
In response to Airjoe
ummmmm once again HUH im only a learning coder cut me some slack lol i dont know how dats spose to help me i show u what it loooks like
____ _________ | GM | | commands| ----------------------------------------- music stop music attack say ---------------- GM ---------------- edit create reboot etc etc etc see what i want is for mus and stop music to be in gm not commands |
In response to Xaphan
Then just use set category = "Category here"
I dunno if you have the category Admin or Police or GM Airjoe |
In response to Airjoe
U mean like this
Ban(mob/M in world) set category="Admin" <------- u mean this set desc="Who do you wish to IP / Key ban?" var/list/peoples if(M.client)peoples+=M ban+=M.client.address M<<"You have been ban." world<<"[usr] Ip / Key ban [M]!" banlist+="[M.client.address]-[M.key]" del M i tryed that and then it said all the procs were wrong maybe i stuck it wrong |
why don't u look in the libary or something?