man this is really a stupid (probally easy) thing to ask but...
i can't fix this code...
it keeps going to the city, i'm formiliar with this problem and usually i know how to fix it...
switch(input("Where would you like to send [M]?","[M]")in list("City","Armoury","Training","Jump Program"))
if("Jump Program")
Jun 25 2003, 1:36 am
Jun 25 2003, 2:08 am
Your indentation is completely messed up. Each if() statement should be indented once more, and all the "M." lines should be indented twice more.
In response to Crispy
already tried...
didn't work somehow... Inconsistent indentation, u know |
In response to ShakerDeath
Well, then it's still wrong despite that. =P Posting some more complete (and current) code and the exact errors and locations of those errors would help.
In response to Crispy
And no, u ain't getting more of the code, u don't need more |
In response to ShakerDeath
Ok, Dutch Boy, actually we probably do, and we need the errors, Crispy is a well known and respected programmer. He would never steal your code, and next time, to make it easier on the eyes use the dm tags.
P.S. Ever heard of CTRL + C and CTRL + V? |
In response to Dragon of Ice
what u mean with ever heard of ctrl c and ctr v...
i always use that... it's copy and paste shortcuts... |
In response to ShakerDeath
btw there are no errors in my code but all send to locations are on the same line so the person gets send to the city (lowest).
if(M.inchair && world<<"[usr] jacks [M] into the Matrix!" switch(input("Where would you like to send [M]?","[M]")in list("City","Armoury","Training","Jump Program")) if("Jump Program") -----M.loc=locate(46,73,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 if("Training") -----M.loc=locate(9,57,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 same line( if("Armoury") -----M.loc=locate(34,61,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 if("City") -----M.loc=locate(23,23,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 i tried making spaces and stuff but then i'm gettin inconsident indentation stuff errors... if(M.inchair && world<<"[usr] jacks [M] into the Matrix!" switch(input("Where would you like to send [M]?","[M]")in list("City","Armoury","Training","Jump Program")) if("Jump Program") M.loc=locate(46,73,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 if("Training") M.loc=locate(9,57,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 if("Armoury") M.loc=locate(34,61,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 if("City") M.loc=locate(23,23,2) M.frozen=0 M.inmatrix=1 (that kinda ways, tried it all!) |
In response to ShakerDeath
DM TAGS! < and > with DM in the middle. then after your code you put </ and > with DM in the middle! DM TAGS! MEMORIZE THEM! LET THEM HAUNT YOU!
In response to Airjoe
It doesn't really matter in his case, since there's no unclosed html tags in his code.
In response to Airjoe
Wow, I remember when I was screaming at Airjoe like this! lol! See, I told you you would one day join the cult of the DM tags! With me and my Demons
In response to Jon88
Yes, but it looks so much better and easier to read when you use them....
In response to Jon88
Actually, it dosn't just close HTML tags. It makes long pieces of code that would usually go onto the next line stay on one line. If I put DM tags around this paragraph, it would be on 1 line. Makes things easier to read.
In response to Dragon of Ice
dm tags?
:S why don't i know about that?? i feel like a noob!! |
In response to ShakerDeath
but i still don'T get it, does that help me with my code, please give a sample or something
In response to ShakerDeath
No, while in the forums, to post code you put dm tags around the code, you know html, everyone does! dm with < and > around it, then you type your code, then you put dm in between </ and >
it gives this result, it defines regular text from code, and if you have html, it uses what's typed, not the effect. |
In response to Dragon of Ice
ok.. but now how to fix my code?
In response to ShakerDeath
switch(input("Where would you like to send [M]?","[M]" <font color = red>as text</font>)in list("City","Armoury","Training","Jump Program"))
<font color = red>THIS IS WHAT YOU FORGOT! lol</font> i think |
In response to Evil Guy
and you forgot the DM TAGS!!! USE THEM, OR I'LL BE MAD!
In response to Dragon of Ice
I mean REALLY! What did me and DoI just finish saying? DM tags. Thats it! Im making a bwicki page!