since i last posted about, i have opened up a store, called Flame Shirts, and have made 4 shirts. and i was wanting someone to tell me what they think of them. my store url is
and for those of you with money...... you can buy them!! if you want that is. i only get about 2 dollars per shirt, but its free to make shirts and open up a store.
and please reply with what you think of my shirts, just dont tell me they suck to much, lol.
![]() Jun 25 2003, 10:29 am
you can paste in your own image from another source if you wanted to, just push shift while you click the paste button.
yeah, i didnt know i had to push shift when i started too, but the t shirt maker has a limit to the size of the image so you might have to shrink it down a little bit before you put it on there
Well, I'm not really interested in selling any of my shirts, just fooling around...I'll try the pasting, I have a really unsteady hand, that's why the image is so bad(and I used their program...)well, dragon_games's shop is now open!
dragon_games shop |
I cant get that to work, try, its also free to set up. Plus you can make alkinds of stuff, including mugs, mousepads, and boxers.
I'm gonna use that to make some MazTek mechendise. My mum said she would buy me a t-shirt if I can make a good enough logo :)
You did a good job on yours, however.