if you know really well how to make a game please email me at [email protected]
by the way the name is ashley
How to make a game.

Well, first I think you need the desire, it is important to have the desire to create something like this, without it most likely it will just be another half done shelf project. Once you have the desire, then you need an idea of what you'd like to create.. it doesnt need to be that well fleshed out at first, just a really good idea of what you'd like to create then go from there.

Once you have the desire and a basic idea, you need to find out just what your limits are in the form of software limits, and research limits. After that you need to figure out just what you can and cannot do, once you know that you can decide if your willing to learn as you go and if so then your limits in ability will probably just be based on time and effort.

Now, lets make a short version.

1. Desire
2. Idea
3. Ability

The rest is just mixture in the cake if you can make those first three work hard :)
1) I'm sorry I had to piggyback this post onto another existing post, but for the life of me I can't find a "Post New Message" link to be able to do anything other than reply.

2) I don't seem to be getting the install to work correctly. I have downloaded and re-downloaded the full byond_setup.exe from but all that happens when I run the exe is the installation of CPU Killer. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any help!

Kris (Tigris)
In response to Tigris
The "New Topic" button is at the top and bottom of each page, and there's an existing bug with the install (it's a Windows problem) that tries to install something that you've previously installed, all I can recommend is searching your computer for any trace of "CPU Killer", removing it, and trying to reinstall it at that point.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
The "New Topic" button is at the top and bottom of each page, and there's an existing bug with the install (it's a Windows problem) that tries to install something that you've previously installed, all I can recommend is searching your computer for any trace of "CPU Killer", removing it, and trying to reinstall it at that point.

Seriously, I have nothing that says "New Topic" anywhere on any page for some reason. I just did a text search of the page too that turned up nothing. I guess it is my day for bugs then. ;)

I will go try your suggestion and see if that helps. Thanks!

Kris (Tigris)
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
The "New Topic" button is at the top and bottom of each page, and there's an existing bug with the install (it's a Windows problem) that tries to install something that you've previously installed, all I can recommend is searching your computer for any trace of "CPU Killer", removing it, and trying to reinstall it at that point.

Well I just removed CPU Killer and manually checked for leftover files, rebooted, and still the setup program wants to install it instead of BYOND. On the other hand, I can now see the New Topic buttons so the universe isn't totally against me today. Are there any alternate ways to run an install of this if the exe I have keeps refusing to work?

Kris (Tigris)
In response to Tigris
Actually, sometimes the program will install but will say it failed. Try looking under program files for a BYOND folder, if you find it. The programs will be under the bin folder in the byond folder :)
open C:/..../byond/dreammaker.exe

and look at or something..
(u can't just make a game, first u have to learn coding)