Umm theres some code that my friend told me about that makes hosting better like some lag code or sumthing do any of you know what it is. Its like some kind of lag thing
Seige1010 wrote:
Umm theres some code that my friend told me about that makes hosting better like some lag code or sumthing do any of you know what it is. Its like some kind of lag thing

Nope, he's full of crap. Someone did write a snippet of code that claimed to reduce lag, but it does absolutely squat. Lag is a property of the network and you really have no control over it.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
thank you
Seige1010 wrote:
Umm theres some code that my friend told me about that makes hosting better like some lag code or sumthing do any of you know what it is. Its like some kind of lag thing

Your friend is a liar, but you can try Dream Daemon it comes with Dreem Seeker and Dream Maker when you download BYOND.
In response to Lummox JR
...unless someone wrote something that overrides BYOND's current communication system, it only sent little tidbits of information to each player as they needed it, rather than refreshing them every time someone moved or said something, even when they didn'tneed to hear or see it...

doubt it's possible.
well, you can personally set your lag:
type in the pink bar:

.config delay 0(the amount of lag you want)
In response to King Gunnerblast
Dreamseeker automatically changes that as needed. A higher delay can be god in some cirumstances, mainly when either you or the person you're connecting to has most of their connection's bandwidth already used up(I think).
In response to Lummox JR
I agree that the person is full of crap. Like King Gunnerblast said, .configure delay 0 helps reduce it for each person. Someone once told me a person with a 56k hosted a proelium game with 18 people and it was lag free using the .configure delay command. Yea, right.

In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
...unless someone wrote something that overrides BYOND's current communication system, it only sent little tidbits of information to each player as they needed it, rather than refreshing them every time someone moved or said something, even when they didn'tneed to hear or see it...

I believe this is in fact how BYOND operates now anyway.

What concerns me is that I think BYOND wastes some bandwidth in small transfers, and it seems to be particularly bad about handling bandwidth from overlays (even though they should just be a one-shot deal). I noticed a bug some time ago in Incursion: The transfers of .png images well under 1K each were taking about 15K each to send.

In general I think a little packet-savviness could help. If BYOND buffered more of its communications, then multiple calls to browse_rsc(), for example, would simply all send their data at once. BYOND also needs some prioritization, so that things like sound effects and MIDIs can be downloaded a little at a time using idle bandwidth (or a minimum allocated amount) even if they're part of the resource package. Hopefully BYOND 4.0, or a version released soon after, will address these issues.

(Also some better synchronization of transmissions couldn't hurt anyone. Often when changing pixel_x/y and loc at the same time, there's a visible jump at the client end when there should be none. I think this is tied into the bandwidth issue.)

doubt it's possible.

If a wrapper program like you suggested were theoretically possible (and I think it just might be), it would still be nigh impossible to write and infeasible to run. But I'd salute whoever did it.

Lummox JR