![]() Jul 8 2003, 2:14 pm
In response to Koolguy900095
Metroid Prime is one of the best games ever, you probably just dont like the type of game.
Why would you want to play Half-Life 2? It's most likely that your not going to get to have any modifications for it, and first person shooters with a joystick in my opinion, and many others, are just not as good as when you use a mouse.
<<>>Kusanagi<<>> |
What's your Xbox Live Handle? Mine's Sariat. Go ahead and add me if ya want, I've played with Geo and Skysaw on it before. Geo mostly, Sky once....
Actually I love first-person shooters...(Halo) So yeah I like the type of game its the game i dont like...
Name something you dont like about it, and give reasons. The only thing I can say is the controls are a tad bit funky at first, but it gets easier after 5 or so hours.
None of the ones I have :( The online games I have are Phantasy Star Online, Midtown Madness, Halo, and Unreal Tornament
Dracon wrote:
Greetings. I would have to suggest Phantasy Star Online. I’ve rented this game a few times, and love it online. It’s mostly about training your characters level up, and becoming the best, but it’s rather addictive. I suggest this game over any. RaeKwon |
Here's my list of suggestions(in no particular order):
Toejam & Earl 3 Brute Force Xbox Live(not really a game but comes with online playable demos and a years service) Conflict: Desert Storm(not 100% sure that this is on the Xbox, but it was great on PS2) Morrowind(uhh scratch that get it for pc instead, the Xbox doesn't handle it well at all) Project Gotham Racing(has a style system so you get extra points for looking cool when you race) Midnight Club 2(has some entertaining multiplayer events like CTF and supports online play) Well that's all I can think of, but I'm sure there are plenty more. You can't go wrong with buying one of those 4 dollar demo discs before you choose either. :) p.s. Welcome to the dark side, I hope it works out for you. :P |
Why does Metroid Prime suck? Did you actually play it, or did you pick up the controller, look at the file screen and say, "This is too hard. Must play crap Xbox game. Save me, Satan"
PS: Satan = Bill Gates |
Yes i played the game cuz i rented i thought since Metroid Fusion was good that Metroid Prime would be good but i was wrong. And the game was just boring to be...And why the hell do all you guys hate Xbox so much it isnt crap you SOB's are just mad cuz you dont have one so dont take your saddness out on us who have xbox...
Nope. :) There's also a game Microsoft made that you can do the same thing with. I forget what it's called, though.