How can you check for a name that already exists? Here's an example. Someone comes into the game and makes a guild called "Fighters". Another player wants to make a guild called "Fighters", but when they go to name it, an alert pops up that this guild already exists and that they cannot make the guild as a result.

How can that be done?

Umm try something like, mob/verb/Guild_Make()
var/Nameit = input("What would you like to name the Guild?")as text
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.Guild == Nameit)
alert(src,"This name is taken")
In response to Crashed
That wont work because if a player from a guild isnt on they can still make a guild with the same name...I think the best way is to make a list and whensomeone makes a guild have to check the list to see if the name is taken, if its not taken add it to that list and create the players guild.
Edit: Here's the coding to help you out:
var/list/Guilds = list()
Make_Guild(var/Guildmaking as text)
alert("There is already a guild named this. Pick another name.")
Guilds += Guildmaking
//Put the make guild coding down here.
Make a list that contains all the guilds in existence (you'll probably want to save that list whenever it changes, and load it at the beginning of the game, but that's a seperate topic)

var/list/guilds = list()

Whenever someone creates a guild, add the guild name to the list. Whenever someone disbands a guild, remove it from the list. Then when someone's creating a new guild, check to see if that guild already exists:

<code>guildname = "Fighters" if(guilds.Find(guildname)) // This guild already exists</code>

Or, if you want to prevent people from getting away with modified punctuation, FiGHtErs, for example, then ckey the name.

<code>if(guilds.Find(ckey(guildname))) // This guild already exists</code>
In response to Koolguy900095
var/list/Guilds = list()

Create_House(var/Guildmaking as text)
set category = "House Commands"
set desc = "What is the name of this House? You can name it after yourself (the leader) or put a theme on it (The Mages of Kreland). MAKE SURE it conforms to the name format, which is: House of (Place House Name Here)."
alert("This house already exists. Try a different title.")
if(usr.Guild != "")
alert("You cannot create a House while you are in one.")
usr.Guildnamed = 1
usr.Guildmaster = 1
usr.Guild = Guildmaking
Guilds += Guildmaking

If another person tries to make a guild with the same name, it lets them! Why? It's like it doesn't even get added to the list. How is this much different then what you put?

In response to Dagolar
you have to add check the ckey() of the guild you are making to the ckey() of a guild in the list
In response to Piccolo-zt
Guilds += Guildmaking

I have it there...What's the problem?

In response to Dagolar

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Author: Dagolar
Date: 7/9/03 10:49 pm
Topic: Name checking - duplicates.
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How can you check for a name that already exists? Here's an example. Someone comes into the game and makes a guild called "Fighters". Another player wants to make a guild called "Fighters", but when they go to name it, an alert pops up that this guild already exists and that they cannot make the guild as a result.

How can that be done?


Author: Crashed
Date: 7/10/03 12:34 am
Topic: Re: Name checking - duplicates.
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Umm try something like, mob/verb/Guild_Make()
var/Nameit = input("What would you like to name the Guild?")as text
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.Guild == Nameit)
alert(src,"This name is taken")

Author: Koolguy900095
Date: 7/10/03 1:16 am [Last edited: 7/10/03 1:26 am]
Topic: Re: Name checking - duplicates.
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That wont work because if a player from a guild isnt on they can still make a guild with the same name...I think the best way is to make a list and whensomeone makes a guild have to check the list to see if the name is taken, if its not taken add it to that list and create the players guild.
Edit: Here's the coding to help you out:

var/list/Guilds = list()
Make_Guild(var/Guildmaking as text)
alert("There is already a guild named this. Pick another name.")
Guilds += Guildmaking
//Put the make guild coding down here.

Author: Foomer
Date: 7/10/03 1:23 am
Topic: Re: Name checking - duplicates.
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Make a list that contains all the guilds in existence (you'll probably want to save that list whenever it changes, and load it at the beginning of the game, but that's a seperate topic)

var/list/guilds = list()

Whenever someone creates a guild, add the guild name to the list. Whenever someone disbands a guild, remove it from the list. Then when someone's creating a new guild, check to see if that guild already exists:

guildname = "Fighters"

// This guild already exists

Or, if you want to prevent people from getting away with modified punctuation, FiGHtErs, for example, then ckey the name.

// This guild already exists

Author: Dagolar
Date: 7/10/03 2:09 pm
Topic: Why doesn't this work....
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var/list/Guilds = list()

Create_House(var/Guildmaking as text)
set category = "House Commands"
set desc = "What is the name of this House? You can name it after yourself (the leader) or put a theme on it (The Mages of Kreland). MAKE SURE it conforms to the name format, which is: House of (Place House Name Here)."
alert("This house already exists. Try a different title.")
if(usr.Guild != "")
alert("You cannot create a House while you are in one.")
usr.Guildnamed = 1
usr.Guildmaster = 1
usr.Guild = Guildmaking
Guilds += ckey(Guildmaking)

That should fix.. if not don't yell at me :)

In response to Dagolar
You need to ckey() the guildname when you add it to the list too.

<code>Guilds += ckey(guildname)</code>