Kunark, could you tell me how I could make it so certain mobs can walk all over in your side scrolling demo? Like in a verb form for admins.
Didn't see a var like that in there, probobly because you don;t have one (=p).
![]() Jul 13 2003, 3:52 pm
![]() Jul 13 2003, 3:59 pm
Private messages should be made over pager and not in the forums.
Just make it so when they have that var that equals 1, when they press up they only go up one and when they go up they don't fall, and when they press south they go down one instead of just returning unless they are jumping like it is right now.
I suggest you don't use this system unless your making the jumping system like tomb raider has it, because it is hard to manage aimed jumps. |
Well if he would have asked on the pager I probably would have turned his request down. I hate pager questions.
Im going to work on aimed jumps. I think if I use
client/East() if(mob.jumping) mob.loc = locate(mob.x+1,mob.y,mob.7) But would that interupt the gravity proc? |
No. You have to make if(they are gm) or whatever things before the usual stuff in the directional key procs then return.
The code I just showed was for better aiming on jumping, an dit works =D. Im working on the walking anywhere now. But first I have to find out why 1 of my verbs isn't working. It works when I don't include your side scrolling, but If i use the side scrolling, it dosn't work. Hmmmmmm.
Airjoe |
The code is a crouch verb. Everything works except that the icon_state never changes. Lemme show you my code:
Crouch() And I just can't get it to work when Im including your side-scrolling. Please help. Thanks Airjoe |
set category = "Commands" if(usr.resting) usr << "You are already crouching." else if(usr.dir == EAST) usr.icon_state = "right_crouch" sleep(70) usr.icon_state = "" if(usr.dir == WEST) <font color = red>usr.icon_state = "left_crouch"</font> sleep(70) usr.icon_state = "" else usr.icon_state = pick("right_crouch","left_crouch") sleep(70) usr.icon_state = "" Is that by chance your problem? |
Nope. Didn't work. Any other ideas? No matter what my dir is, the icon_state never changes, but the if I put in debug messages like usr << "DEBUG", I can see the messages.
Airjoe |
If an icon_state isn't in the .dmi file, it will return back to "" which will make it appear as the mob didn't do anything.
Check your .dmi file for those icon_states and make sure the spelling/capitalization is right. |
I checked everything. I dunno why its not working. It works on my friends game and he dosn't use your side scrolling.
Airjoe |
Well I don't see anything that would cause that in my side scroller... I think your problem must be somewhere else. Also if you are simply 'including' my side scroll into your game (which I'm not sure I see how you could other than copy the whole thing and paste) make sure you aren't including the icons as well, for the side scroller and your game might both have 'pc.dmi'.