Hello all!
I was wondering. Is it possible to check if someone does a proc, while doing a verb, and to act upon it? E.g. Doing a "Hack computer" verb that should last 20 minutes but they "log off" (proc).
Please help! All help will be recorded, because I beleive, 1 good turn deserves another!

Catastrophe teaches us humility, compassion, courage and perseverance. Beyond that, it's an absolute bother and I have no use for it.
This is kinda' selfish of me, and I am very sorry, but I REALLY need this. Could someone please help?

<font size=-3>What avails a blow that does not take a man's life? It only alerts the pray to danger.
In response to Gokuss4neo
I would help you but I cant so why dont you try something else.

Instead of aboarding when the user leaves, why not wait until 20 minutes are up then check if the user is still on
In response to Gokuss4neo
Please restate the question, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

In response to FranquiBoy
Well you say you want it to alert you when the player logs off and he is already doing something, soo do something like:

mob/var/LOGOUT = 0
alert(usr,"You are busy!")

usr.LOGOUT = 1
In response to Crashed
Thankz Crashed, but that is not quite what I want.

What I really wanted this for was for fusion. If they fused, and logged out before time was over, they would keep their extra power. How do I get it to take away the extra power if they try to logout before the time is over?

Thankz again, all help appreciated!

<font size=-3>Life is a journey, and with every step we reach a point of no return.
In response to Crashed
What if the person clicks the little "X" in DS. What if they do a ctrl+alt+del? There is no way to keep a person in DS. And not allowing someone to logout is going to get your game a "bad name".

In response to Gokuss4neo
Ok. I REALLY need this so I reckon the reason I'm nto getting what I want is because I am not giving enough information, so here we go:

The code I am using is :

Fuse(mob/characters/M in oview(1))
set category = "Fighting"
if(M.race == usr.race)
if(usr.poratta == 1)
if(M.fuse == 0||M.fuse == null||usr.fuse ==0||usr.fuse == null)
if( ==
usr.powerlevel += 0
switch(input("Do you want to fuse with [M]", "Fuse with [M]", text) in list ("Yes", "No"))
switch(input(M,"[usr] wants to fuse with you, do you want to fuse with [src]?","Fuse with [src]", text) in list ("Yes", "No"))
usr.move = 0
M.move = 0
M.fuse = 1
usr.fuse = 1
M.maxpowerlevel += usr.maxpowerlevel
usr.maxpowerlevel += M.maxpowerlevel
usr.maxpowerdam += M.maxpowerdam
M.maxpowerdam += usr.maxpowerdam
usr.overlays += 'hairstrip.dmi'
M.overlays += 'hairstrip.dmi'
usr.move = 1
M.move = 1
usr << "You feel odd..."
M << "You feel odd..."
M.maxpowerlevel -= usr.maxpowerlevel
usr.maxpowerlevel -= M.maxpowerlevel
M.powerlevel -= usr.maxpowerlevel
usr.powerlevel -= M.maxpowerlevel
usr.maxpowerdam -= M.maxpowerdam / 1.11
M.maxpowerdam -= usr.maxpowerdam / 1.11
usr.overlays -= 'hairstrip.dmi'
M.overlays -= 'hairstrip.dmi'
usr << "You have unfused!!!"
M << "You have unfused!!!"
usr<< "You do not fuse with [M]"
usr<< "You do not fuse with [M]"

usr<<"You are already fused!"
usr<<"You need to put on the earrings first!"
usr<<"They needs to be the same race as you!"


As you can see if they log off during the sleep(9000) they keep loads of extra power. Is there a way I can take away the power if they log off during the sleep(9000) ???


<font size=-3>As you are, I once was, As I am, you will become...
In response to Gokuss4neo
When they fuse, set a var saying how much extra power they gained. When they unfuse, set this var to zero. If they log off while fused, remove the extra power.
In response to Crispy
Thankz man! I owe you one!

<font size=-3>Catastrophe teaches us humility, compassion, courage and perseverance. Beyond that, it's an absolute bother and I have no use for it.