In response to Jon88
Oh, that makes a little more sense to me. :)
In response to FuZzY DiCe
FuZzY DiCe wrote:
A fan of goofy...guess hes the first then.

And I guess I am the second then.

Hacker: One who is proficient at using or programming a computer; a computer buff.

Hmm guess I am a hacker too, and mostly everyone else that uses BYOND. But since you did openly admit to being an idiot, i'll let ya off the hook ;-)

In response to Stimulus
That's one of the worse definitions from :) Here's a better one:
1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of
programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as
opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
That's one of the worse definitions from :) Here's a better one:
1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of
programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as
opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum

I would have used a better one, but that would have required more effort from me. Thats a hell of alot more to copy and paste!

In response to Jnco904
Jnco904 wrote:
Jon88 wrote:
Of course it would! At least as long as digi was doing it. That would be more commonly known as a ping flood, or DoS(Denial of Service) attack. Packets (in this case, ones for pinging) are rapidly sent to a target, effectively using up all of the target's bandwidth. Legitimate packets are unable to get through.

Is that because digi has his own server? Him having more bandwidth would allow his pc to last longer than mine right? I have DSL and no clue how much bandwidth I have, but if you say so I shouldn't try it because I'm on a network and my family may not be happy about it. :)

Actually it has nothing to do with me having a server or not - the event with Maz and the HrH spammer was done directly from my desktop using nmap. In Maz's case he said ZoneAlarm actually blocked off all his ports - essentially cutting him off. He had to disconnect from the net and do something in ZoneAlarm to "unlock" all the blocked ports before he could connect to the 'net again. This has me thinking that there is a "flood limit" of some kind before ZoneAlarm goes into its "lockdown" mode.
In response to Jon88
Well, if a person goes around and does it to many many people in a short span of time, then it could be a problem... otherwise if you are just testing/learning - you won't get yelled at too much, except maybe told to try it on yourself or some other consenting user.
In response to digitalmouse
Maybe they mistake the real thing for one of Da_Rushyo's hub items..? =P
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