This is a suggestion for BYOND. I didn't know where to put it so I shoved it in here.

The one thing I would REALLY like to see on BYOND would be an auto e-mailing system, where if someone replies to a post you have made or topic you have posted on, you get an e-mail of the post!
That way you wouldn't have to stay in the forum waiting for ages with your finger on the F5 button!

Just a suggestion!

As you are, I once was, As I am, you will become...
If you guys add this make it so you can "watch" certain threads so you only get e-mails on watched threads not just anyone you posted in
In response to Koolguy900095
That's pretty much all I think we need!

<font size=-3>Why sleep now? When we are dead we shall sleep for eternity!
In response to Gokuss4neo
Forum to Pager interaction would be cool. So I could actively watch for new posts. It would be a total bandwidth beast though.
In response to DarkView
We should have an option for pager or e-mail...Because some might not like being paged
In response to Koolguy900095
Being paged is a big pain... But I think the idea "send replies to emailbox" is a good one.

That way you wouldn't have to stay in the forum waiting for ages with your finger on the F5 button!

Please tell me you don't do that. Dantom pays for that bandwidth, you know. =P

Much easier just to leave a copy of IE (or a tab in Mozilla) open in the background, and refresh it every hour or so.
In response to Spuzzum
Yeah. I do I refresh it when I'm:
A) Not playing a game
B) Not talking on AIM
C) Not shopping on eBay


Note: And even if I'm not do any of those, I still only refresh it about 30+ minutes. Rarely 15

In response to Airjoe
Guys, I was exaggerating! No-one in their right mind would just stare at some computer screen all day long refreshing, waiting for a post!!
It's juut annoying having to leave whatever you're doing, refresh, and go back to what you were doing, every 20mins or so to find a post!
It would be much simpler for an auto emailer!

<font size=-3>What avails a blow that does not take a man's life? It only alerts the pray to danger.
In response to Gokuss4neo
Unless you have AOL or MSN, it kinda stinks. Cause then you're just checking your email evey 5 minutes.
In response to Airjoe
Nope! I have MSN and it alerts me every time an e-mail comes in!

<font size=-3>If ignorance is bliss, I am in heaven...
In response to Airjoe
You saying "MSN" gave me an idea. If someone is currently online with their IM system, perhaps they could be contacted via IM when there's a new post? It's probably completely impractical and will never happen, but it's interesting to think about. =)
In response to Crispy
Well, if we had it via email, some IM programs alert you when you get mail. I'm pretty sure MSNIM does.
