when i get into a battle im told this:
Infinite loop suspected--switching proc to background.
If it is not an infinite loop, either do 'set background=1' or set world.loop_checks=0.
i tried everything i can think of, but im a newbie, i need help. I dont know how to fix this.
Jul 21 2003, 8:48 pm
In response to Wanabe
i dont know where at the start to put it
In response to Polaris139
Yeah that should do fine.
In response to Wanabe
Wouldn't it be better to put spawn() instead? Also Lazyboy it would be best for you to put it somewhere in your battle system, considering that's when you're getting the error. It's probobly because you are calling some proc over and over again.
In response to SSChicken
i dont want to spawn, i want random combat
In response to Wanabe
what do you mean? "that should do fine." that doesnt make any sense to me. i still dont know where to put the thing to stop the infinite loop
In response to Polaris139
At the begining of The Code
Oh, wait. The code dosn't exist. Well, put it at the top of Your Code. Even though I don't know what good a sleep or a spawn would do. <-Airjoe-> |
In response to Polaris139
Uh... I mean put spawn instead of sleep.
In response to SSChicken
what error was that?
In response to Lazyboy
I don't think it would be an error. I just feel that useing spawn() for some reason is better them sleep. Sleep stops the entire code (which you sometimes want) while spawn stops whatever is indented in front of it. So I feel spawn is better :)
In response to SSChicken
sleep() overflows the stack. spawn() doesn't.
In response to Airjoe
It would make the infinite loop slower? Kind of like the difference between bleeding to death and getting your head crushed instantly.
In response to SSChicken
Also Lazyboy it would be best for you to put it somewhere in your battle system, considering that's when you're getting the error i was referring to this |
In response to Garthor
what is spawning?
In response to Polaris139
goto dreammaker help and look up spawn
In response to Lazyboy
can i use spawn and still be able to have random combat or do i have to have the enemies running around on the map?
In response to Polaris139
.... the spawn() proc wont affect what you have coded there for it would still be the same and you wouldnt need your "Monsters" On the map running around
In response to Wanabe
Wanabe wrote:
.... the spawn() proc wont affect what you have coded there for it would still be the same and you wouldnt need your "Monsters" On the map running around if the spawn() proc doesnt affect my coding wouldnt i still get the infinite loop when i get on a battle turf? |
In response to Polaris139
....Do you even know why the error is coming up or do you know what the Spawn() proc does? Search it up click on dream maker, press f1 and search for spawn() and read about what it does, that will fix the problem.
put this at the start sleep(rand(1,5))
that should get rid of the error hopfully