I'm bored, and recently had all the creativity and originality violently sucked out of me, after completing a few books. I need ideas for a new project. What kind of games would YOU like to see on the HUB? I'm open to any suggestions.

Fun ones. :)
In response to Jon88
I know, I know. Be more specific. ;-).

Better versions of these:
Yu Yu Hakusho

Anyways... that key looks familiar.. would you happen to know Eagle Madigan?
Some bluff games, I love messing with peoples minds. Maybe a game where people are all nice and happy, making thier money, and I come along and take everything they ever had... BAHAHAHAHA. I mean, just make some bluff games. SSGX has the right idea with his Murder Mansion game.
In response to DBHavenMaster
1st person shooter games? lol How about gauntlet legands exactly like the game and no fake crap.
In response to Sariat
Of course, you'd love a game where you had ultimate power, wouldn't you Sariat? Too bad :-P.

In response to Blueseed15
Blueseed15 wrote:
Better versions of these:
Yu Yu Hakusho

Wow, you picked two of my Top 10 games I hate.

Anyways... that key looks familiar.. would you happen to know Eagle Madigan?

I did. I don't anymore. I think I caused him to leave BYOND...oh well.

In response to InuTracy
I'd love to make a First-Person Shooter, but I don't know how well BYOND would support that. There would be almost no support for multiplayer due to lag. And even single player, a detailed f-p shooter would be sure to make some older computers crash.

In response to DBHavenMaster
Make a bluff game. I was thinking of making a bluff board game. It was where a group of spies had to go through various places, and one of them was a red agent or something of that sort. Very nice...forgot the details, though.
In response to DBHavenMaster
no, actually, he is right here...
OH!!! I GOT ONE, maybe a Stargate game?
In response to Blueseed15
A Stargate game would be really cool!
If someone made one I reckon I could get at least 3 more of my friends to join BYOND (only got 18 so far... :( )

In response to Gokuss4neo
Stargate, eh? Can't say I'm farmiliar with it. Tell me what you would expect in that kind of game.

In response to Sariat
Duh! I've been wanting to make a certain bluff game for a LONG time. And, ironically, it does involve spies. Thanks, Sariat (wow, I never thought I'd say those words in that order). Unless I come up with something better, that's what I'll do.

In response to DBHavenMaster
Go round to other planets, with alien weapons and stuff. Make sure the stronger aliens are allies, and weaker oens are being pummeled.
A bit of a "James Bond : 007" kind of game, but with a team of people, using alien, AND human weaponry, with clever gadgets!

In response to Gokuss4neo
I think you should maybe watch Stargate SG-1 on SciFi if you can to become more familiar with it...
In response to Sariat
Make "Dragonball Zeta 4: The Best Zeta" and torcher DBZers that just got their "pl" to 1 million :P
In response to InuTracy
Or we could use a similar idea without actually copying a game.
In response to DBHavenMaster
Do to request, (by Sariat), I have decided to make a bluff game. Stargate isn't original, and I don't like copying others ideas. What I need are names. This particular bluff game has to do with spies, so pick something subject appropriate. Best name will get credit :).

In response to DBHavenMaster
The Fickle Spy =)
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