How do i store monsters inside of items?
I don't think it's possible to put a mob inside an obj. I know it's possible to do it the other way around considering each client has a contents list.

If you want to achive a pokeball type effect I would suggest to make a new mob and assign it var's. Or you can simply store your mobs(Let's say Pokemon) in a null location and summon them whenever needed.
In response to SSChicken
hmm, so make a verb that would move the mob to a location that doesnt exist? and then make a new verb to bring it back? is that it? if not, please explain what you do mean.

(someone in a previous thread said something about puting the monster into the items contents...)
In response to Sanuro
Yup, thats basiclly what I mean. I don't know if obj's have content lists.
In response to SSChicken
so if i have a map that is 10,10,1, i can send the monster to like 200,200,1?
In response to SSChicken
SSChicken wrote:
I don't think it's possible to put a mob inside an obj.

Sure it is. All atoms (yup; mobs, objs, turfs, AND areas) have contents lists. Mobs can go inside objs and vice versa. Mobs can even go inside mobs, as can objs.

You just set the mob's loc to the obj.

<code>M.loc = O //Assuming M is a mob and O is an obj</code>
In response to Sanuro
Best if you use the null location to send the monsters away.

M.loc = null (Supposing M is the monster)
In response to SSChicken
i'm a newbie, but i thought this was a cool idea, so i tried to write a code for this, will this work?

set category = "GM"
usr << "You've captured a [src]"
M.loc = null

set category = "GM"
usr << "You've summoned a [src]"
M.loc = locate(src.x,src.y-1,src.z)