![]() Jul 23 2003, 3:51 pm
I'm making my first game, and I just put in all the monsters. I tested it out, but none of the monsters moved. I could attack and kill them, but they wouldn't move or attack me. Could someone give me a code to make them living?
![]() Jul 23 2003, 7:30 pm
I would suggest you giving us your code, then we can help you fix it/implement whatever you need into it.
Here is my code for the monster:
mob Chicken icon = 'chicken.dmi' hp = 5 str = 5 def = 2 I know that that's not enough, I'm just not sure what to add. |
I figured out how to thanks to another topic, but the they moved uber fast. This is the code I have for it now:
mob Chicken icon = 'chicken.dmi' hp = 5 str = 5 def = 2 wander = 1 mob var/wander New() if(wander) walk_rand(src) ..() How do I make the monster slow down? |
Thank you, that helped a lot. But now after they die and come back, they don't move anymore. Here is my code:
mob Chicken icon = 'chicken.dmi' hp = 5 str = 5 def = 2 New() while(src.hp>0) step_rand(src) sleep(5) mob proc deathcheck() if(src.hp <= 0) world << "[src] has been killed by [usr]!" src.icon_state = "dead" usr.sxp += 10 usr.dxp += 10 usr:levelcheck() sleep(100) src.icon_state = "" src.hp = 5 Could you tell me whats going wrong there? Also how do I make them attack? Oh ya, can you tell me how to make them stay inside a certain area too? I hope thats not to much to ask, but it would really help. |