can you help me with a send icon code this is what i have so far...
mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world)
set category = "Icon"
var/I as file|null
return 0
i dont no what to do from there. I want it to then ask the other mob if they would accept it then let them choose where to put it. Then tell the user whether or not they accepted. Kinda like on Icon Chatterz if you've ever played that.
Jul 30 2003, 11:35 am
Jul 30 2003, 11:36 am
I refuse to help you make another "Icon Traderz" game.
In response to Garthor
no its not gonna be another icon trader game. Im just adding the feature to change ur icon in my game. also u can give an icon to someone but its still my same old medieval constant battles RPG!
In response to Coolchris
If it's a classic been-there-done-that hack 'n slash fantasy "RPG," then why do you need a command to send someone icons?
In response to Garthor
its not hack n slash been there done that its training and getting stronger by battling and most peeple think that the startin icon is lame so i make it so they can change it and if they see one they like ask that person to send it. cmon just plz help me.
In response to Coolchris
Then they can just use AIM or something. Besides, setting your icon in a game is stupid.
In response to Garthor
well thanks for the help...
In response to Coolchris
He didnt realy help you...
Heres one thing I can tell you: mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world) set category = "Icon" if(M.client==null) usr<<"That is not a player..." return 0 var/I as file|null if(!I) return 0 else The bold part checks if the mob is a player |
In response to FranquiBoy
thanx now i just need the last part lol
In response to Coolchris
I found how to get other player's concent
mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world) set category = "Icon" if(M.client==null) usr<<"That is not a player..." return 0 var/I as file|null if(!I) return 0 else switch(alert(M,"[usr] wants to send you [I]","[I]","Accept","Decline") if("Accept") //Code if the user accepts else //Code if the user refuses the file |
In response to FranquiBoy
even better now how do u make to file go to the person
In response to Coolchris
I dont know...
In response to Coolchris
Look up Import(), and Export().
In response to FranquiBoy
FranquiBoy wrote:
I found how to get other player's concent Um, I don't think this will work. needs to be.. switch(alert(M,"[src] wants to send you [I]","[I]",,"Accept",Decline")) You're only ending one of the )'s, and you needed two commas :P -Camaro- |