can you help me with a send icon code this is what i have so far...
mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world)
set category = "Icon"
var/I as file|null
return 0
i dont no what to do from there. I want it to then ask the other mob if they would accept it then let them choose where to put it. Then tell the user whether or not they accepted. This is not going into a Icon Chatterz rip off game so don't not help me because you think it is...
thnx in advance!
Jul 30 2003, 11:57 am
mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world)
set category = "Icon" var/I as file|null if(!I) return 0 else M << ftp(I) the M<<ftp(I) will send "I" to "M" and ask them where to save it as. Jackguy |
In response to Camaro
JackGuy didnt read this in N00bie central. and he answerd my question here!
In response to JackGuy
thanks i got the accepting part in n00bie Central but you sent me the important part tbx!
In response to Coolchris
mob/PC/verb/Send_Icon(mob/M in world)
set category = "Icon" if(M.client == null) usr << "That's not a player!" return 0 var/I as file|null if(!I) return 0 else switch(alert(M,"[src] wants to send you [I]","[I]",,"Accept","Decline")) if("Accept") M << ftp(I) usr << "File accepted!" else usr << "File declined!" ok when i use this it never brings up a thing to choose a file to send plz help |
In response to Coolchris
A) That really didn't make much sense
B) Because, if he didn't read it there, why would he reply there? C) Do not cross-post* and/or Double post**. <-Airjoe-> * Posting the same topic in different forums ** Posting the same topic twice (same forum or different forums) |
I'm not trying to be mean, but this is the second duplicated question I've seen from you.