Login() = input("What's your name") as text
src.loc = locate(15,9,1)
src.icon = 'Characters.dmi'
src<<"<font color = RED>[usr] logs in!"
amountofplayer ++
if(amountofplayer == 1||amountofplayer == 5||amountofplayer == 10||amountofplayer == 15)
src<<"<small>You joined as it!"
src.contents += /obj/Catch
src.icon = 'It.dmi'
else usr<<"<small>You're not it!"
This is my Login coding. I don't get any compile errors but I do get a runtime error:
runtime error: cannot append to list
proc name: Login (/mob/Login)
usr: the sdf (/mob)
src: the sdf (/mob)
call stack:
the sdf (/mob): Login()
the sdf (/mob): Login()
All help is appreaciated.