I've seen this come up in a lot of threads recently, and I'm curious what people's opinions are.

It seems a common thread of thought is that players PvP without hesitation because there is no consequence to them or the other player. A little EXP lost, a few gold, and respawning in town. Bah, it's just a flesh wound.

Should player death be permanent? If so, where is the line drawn? I've played a perma-death MUD that gave you a set number of 'lives'. This system gives you a little breathing room to make mistakes, but still (in my opinion) makes combat in general a possible disaster. You get one more life every [x] levels, a sorta "you worked hard to get your character to this point, have an extended warranty".
Every time you 'died' you'd be sent to a room where you had to sit through a minute long RP description of nearly dying and being saved by someone. Oh, by the way, people are free to loot your corpse/unconcious form for that minute. Each time you 'die' and come back, you had a new scar to remind you.

Personally, I like the perma-death option, but not the instant perma-death.

So, after that long and winded description, what do you think?
I like that perma death option. Also, the final "perma death" should not BE perma death. You can just get sent to some horribly scary Afterlife or something like that, waiting to be resurrected :). Or you can continue on as your heir. Still having many of your items, but little skills/exp compared to before.
I like perma death: It raises the stakes, makes people hunt you for a bounty and such (the bounty being getting rid of a tyrant of a player if your very strong.) and it makes it so it doesn't lose fun-ness nearly as quick. It also makes it so there is much less of the higher level players.


Also they would need to be easy to level (Not entirely easy, just much easier than a regular RPG.).
In response to Jon88
But that kinda defeats the purpose of having 'perma-death'. The whole point is to get people to think before they act. If I have a high level character, with lots items and money, but only a couple of lives left, I am not about to just jump in the fray with another player. What if I mis-judged him/her, and s/he hands me my arse? It would also see heroes/villains 'retire' as they cannot aford to play the high stakes anymore.

I have actually considered having an entire 'afterlife' setting, where you continue adventuring in the underworld. I got rid of the idea because as cool as it sounds, it's not much of a deterrent to rampant PKing. I slaughter them here, and once my luck runs out, I slaughter them there.
In response to sapphiremagus
Non PK and PVP afterlife :). It would be almost entirely RP, so PKers would tend to STAY PKers, without completing the necessary RP goals to even have a HOPE at life again.(with much reduced stats, of course) You would also need someone on the other side trying to bring you back, too.
In response to Kunark
How does (on average) 20 monsters of your level sound? I'm currently using a formula similar to .hack://infection for experience. You need 1000 exp to make a level, period. Monsters give out EXP based on your level vs theirs. On par = 50 xp.

Oh, and I almost forgot, you can actually recieve negative xp for killing a mob of significantly lower level than you, which is another deterrent.
In response to sapphiremagus
That sounds good.
All things considered, I'd say you either allow PvP, or you allow Permadeath. You don't allow both. Unless you can explain to me how its fun to have uber characters running around slaughtering newbies, permanently.

Actually though I haven't seen any online permadeath games that weren't true roleplaying games, so I couldn't say for sure how well they'd work. Perhaps you should TRY it and find out.
In response to sapphiremagus
sapphiremagus wrote:
But that kinda defeats the purpose of having 'perma-death'. The whole point is to get people to think before they act. If I have a high level character, with lots items and money, but only a couple of lives left, I am not about to just jump in the fray with another player. What if I mis-judged him/her, and s/he hands me my arse? It would also see heroes/villains 'retire' as they cannot aford to play the high stakes anymore.

Lives? Who said anything about having lives? We're talking permadeath here! You get clunked with a big rock falling off a click and you're history, pal.
sapphiremagus wrote:
Should player death be permanent?

Not in the typical game. Perhaps a game designed to have little or nothing to do with combat.

For typical games, the only working answer I've seen for PvP is Dark Age of Camelot's realm system, where you can't attack people from your own realm.

This means you can play entirely without PvP if you want (just stay in your realm), and that PvP situations are battles between groups of people.

All the standard problems with PvP just don't exist with this system.
In response to Foomer
I AM trying it out, yeesh. I just wanted to see what people's opinions are.

As for the 'lives' not being permadeath . . . that is one extreme viewpoint. I still think of it as permadeath since once you run out of 'lives' (which I actually think of as 'close calls', but semantics don't really make a difference) you're still perma-dead. Character deleted, etc.

The 'lives' allow you to incorporate PvP and Permadeath together. It's not an absolute that you will be dead the first few times, but it does put it into a perspective. I've seen it done, and it works fairly well.

Anyway, I appreciate the opinions, keep em coming :)
I plan to tackle that topic in my game as well.. i plan on having permanent death.. but with a twist..

When you die, you are confined to the well of souls (a special area of astral space for dead people) where if you reach a goal (don't know what, mabey puzzles, mabey navigate a maze or something "intellectual") you get to be reincarnate...

I may add some measure of control to reincanation.. though for the most part it will be pretty much random.. when you are reincarnated, you start out a child under someones wing (or ward of the state if there are no families looking for children), very weak, but with a "stored" potential (your stats get "upgraded" to these stored values when you come of age.

while your growing up, and after you are grown, you can "awaken" though i can't really divulge how i plan to do this. this will be a hidden stat, thought you may get some vuage messages as to its progress.

once you are 100% awakened, you will regain your "psychological stats." buy your physical capabilities remain the same.

P.S: Rip me off and DIE!
In response to Deadron
Hmm . . . I suppose I could do something like that . . . I am going to incorporate nations into the game. One could always put the 'pvp' variable into the game as mentioned earlier.

Then again, I already have penalties in place for 'newb bashing'. The way experience works, if you start killing people five levels lower than you (changeable by server admin), you actually start losing experience. Instead of needing 1K to reach the next level, you may find yourself needing 1.5K or even 5K if you're really a screw up. By that point, of course, server staff should have intervened.
In response to sapphiremagus
The idea is like hitting a dog when it piddles. Same with Mass PKers.

I think the solution in my opinion is just give the players the options for PK and Non-PK. If they are PK they can only kill someone above or under 10 levels of their victem or they cant fight. That way, even if someone dose get spammed, well they asked for the damn PK.

Also make player corpses that stay in that room and are lootable and have the player load up in a crypt some spot away from the death, so there is a bigger chance of them looseing things they reall need.
In response to Shades
It seems that if you can enable or disable PK, you're not really taking the whole death thing seriously, so you might as well not have any permadeath. Part of the idea behind permadeath is to make characters more alert to potential threats, including, if possible, other players.
In response to Foomer
My idea is that you have an alignment score: negative = bad, positive = good. The alignment goes up to a value of 10, at which point you are the personification of true good/evil. Killing things in reverse-alignment to your own (good kill bad, bad kill good) raises your alignment, while killing the other-way round (bad v bad, good v good) makes your alignment reverse.

The alignment is, at heart, how likely you are to snuff it if you get 'killed' in battle, but since my game is pretty much PRP (player-run-plot) based, you can only die in true divine quests.

Death, like in real life, can be seen as a good thing or bad thing, depending on the player. Once truly dead, you CAN (1 chance in 30 - spirituality) become a ghost, capable of only communicating with ghosts and those with the sixth-sense (one in 129).

Those with the sixth sense (and only those) are capable of necromancy, but the resultant undead being is greatly physically weak, depending on the time spent as a ghost and the ability of the necromancer. Amazing necromancer + ages spent dead (more knowledge of dead spirits and such like) = physically strong.

And that is my overly complicated permanent death system, based on necromancy, the undead, PRPs and a certain book (not 'The Sixth Sense' movie).
In response to Hazman
While it confused me a bit, that sounded really cool. :)
In response to Hazman
Wouldn't it make more sense for your alignment to go from -10 to 10, -10 being evil, 10 being good? You could then use abs(alignment) whenever you needed to, and you wouldn't need a seperate variable to track your good/evil status.
I think you can have perma-death if you have 3 things
1) Skills besides fighting you can build up. This way players have something to do besides get stronger so they can make money, so they CAN retire

2) Bank AND item storage. This way PKers wont get ALL of your stuff, though youll loose it too.

3) Government. PKers should be considered criminals.

Also, i have a battle system idea for perma-death
When you get your HP to 0, you are knocked out. You get a special icon that is you on the ground. People CAN loot you, and finish you off, in which you will need a new character. Of course, if you kill, you will be tagged as a murderer anbd hunted for bounty O.o
I don't think there's anything wrong with the idea of permadeath, per se, it's a preference of mine not to have it, but it is personal.

In games in general I'm very fond of the concept of having a reasonable way to avoid any really bad thing. The big MUD I play, GemStone III, does in fact have permadeath, but you can avoid it by purchasing favors from the gods. People who get lazy with this can and do die permanently, dying multiple times and using up their few favors in invasion situations or long journeys.

Now, I think you might be able to have a perfectly good game with straight-out permadeath and item loss, I just wouldn't visit it much. But if you put in some way to avoid those things, a way that requires some expenditure, effort and even thought, I think that adds a lot of fun to a game.

If you make the price high enough, people will risk it, and you will see people losing their characters and gear.

At the very least, I don't want a game where my only way to avoid permadeath is to stick to creatures so easy they're completely uninteresting to hunt.

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