leveling.dm:1:error: missing left-hand argument to >.\
Line is > mob?
whats wrong please?
![]() Aug 13 2003, 11:45 pm
![]() Aug 13 2003, 11:47 pm
Is that the whole line? Show us the proc/verb that its in(or the section its in if its a particularly large proc/verb).
mob mob/verb/Attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) usr.exp+=1 usr.attack(M) usr.Levelup() |
im sorry I dont understand much and for the last day every single one of my posts you replied to you either left some comment that I didnt like or didnt help me because I am new and I dont understand the smallest things in this coding...
Point out the EXACT line on which the error occurs. Saying it's "the mob line" or giving a line number isn't enough, you need to actually type in your post, on the line that the error occurred, "ERROR HERE" (or something similar).
And as for DM tags, look here: http://bwicki.byond.com/ByondBwicki.dmb?DmTags |
The only one of those things I didnt tell him was where to find the explanation of the dm tag Crispy :p I was tryin to help the newbies this time, honest.
I know you were, he just didn't quite get what you meant. You just needed to spell it out a bit more. =)
Majinveku wrote:
leveling.dm:1:error: missing left-hand argument to >.\ This may sound stupid but the line isn't actually > mob Is it? |