![]() Aug 16 2003, 12:08 pm
Does anyone here listen to underground hip hop? It's the only thing I listen to, I used to be the biggest metallica fan and then I started listening to hip hop and metallica sucks compared to hip hop. If you do listen to hip hop then who do you like. My favorite rapper is Del. Jedi Mind Tricks and Aceyalone are good to, so are Anticon and Aesop Rock. If you don't listen to hip hop then I recommmend you at least download a couple songs. Almost anything from Hieroglyphics or Del is good. I also strongly reccomend Animal Rap by Jedi Mind Tricks.
![]() Aug 16 2003, 1:02 pm
Not to be racist, but most white people think rap is about guns, gang violence, drugs and sex. It is not. It is poetry with attitude. If you will listen closely to Tupac, even 50cent, you will hear truths, life stories, and experiences. Depends on who you listen to. Most of the rap you hear and them lable it as "dumb" is from lames like Lil Jon and rappers like him. I haven't labled all Rock and some I listen to on occasion. Atleast I gave it a chance =p.
That's why there are different kinds of music, because not all people like the same kind. I probably wouldn't like the music that you listen to, and you probaby wouldn't like what I listen to. However, that doesn't mean that the music I listen to is better than what you like or vice versa.
Its not that the general concensus is that its all about those bad things you listed, its that the music contains it at all, its considered a bad influence, and it is a bad influence.
Jotdaniel wrote:
Its not that the general concensus is that its all about those bad things you listed, its that the music contains it at all, its considered a bad influence, and it is a bad influence. Wether you like it or not, it's reality. A bad influence on who? The younger fans of the music? No. Psychologists make that up to cover up for today's rebiliously independant children, and bad parenting. If I let my 10 year cousin listen to 50 cent lets say, he's not going to go around shooting anyone. You play games right? Most games have government corruptions, guns, violence, but does that hinder you from playing? I would think not. So you're saying you all don't like that kind of music because of those few things? How very shallow minded. Didn't you just read my post. Not all of it contains that. Besides, tell me what "rockers" say in their music besides skateboarding. |
Most punk bands have some relation to skateboarding, most true rock bands do not. I listen to any music that I like, I could care less whats in it. The content of music is persuasive, music is persuasive. Monkey see monkey do. You see your favorite musition do something, even if you know its wrong, you will want to do it. You will see them as a role model(no matter how unfitting a role model they may be). People emulate their role models. People also say sphychologists lie. They say that because they dont have anything to disprove them. Well what do they know anyway? They've only got all that schooling and experience.
So your going to disagree with me, yet not defend your own position? Your post also has no relevent information to my own in which you replied to.
Jot Says:
Monkey see monkey do. You see your favorite musition do something, even if you know its wrong, you will want to do it. You will see them as a role model(no matter how unfitting a role model they may be). ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry Jot, I'm not gonna go shoot someone because my favorite rapper did it. I'm not going to become a pimp because my favorite rapper didn't. I'm certainly not going to idolize someone because they are talented. I guess I'm just not like you. |
Jotdaniel wrote:
Most punk bands have some relation to skateboarding Of the 154 songs on my playlist at the moment (all but 13 songs are punk) there is one song that is about skating. And, I believe that the bassist of that band is a professional skater, erm, was at least. Most of the songs are about political issues, love, the rebellious punk ideology, being in a band/going on tour, and various emotions that people could feasibly relate to. Most of the songs are about political issues, or at least have some mention of politics. Some of the songs I enjoy based on what they have to say, but mostly I enjoy the overall sound of it. |
Some relation, as in they dont even have to mention it, but maybe you saw one of them skateboarding in a video, or they had someone skateboarding. I'm not even saying its a small part of it, but from what I can tell theres at least some small, tiny relation there.
What do rockers say in their music besides skateboarding? Actually, a lot of the same things that rappers do... maybe a little more drugs and a little less guns, and some rockers take a more fantastic, almost poetic view of violence that goes far beyond a casual mention of putting a bullet in someone's head.
Is all rock about that? No, no more than all rap is. Still, the fact is... music has influence. If your music didn't influence you, you wouldn't listen to it, because it would have no resonance with you. Does all music influence everyone the same way? No. Is all influence literal and linear (i.e., you hear a song about killing your teacher, you go out and kill your teacher)? No. But the influence is always there. Part of it is the parents' fault and part of it is the schools' fault and part of it is society's fault, for not doing enough to teach children and bring them up right. If you've got self-control and you're either aware of the consequences or have some kind of a moral compass, you can receive violent influences and choose not to respond to them in the real world. The same violent song that sets a kid off on a rampage could be the song that another, more well-adjusted individual uses to just blow off steam... it all depends on their mentality. Of course, there is another factor here that I just alluded to: choice. Society and good parenting and good schooling can make it easier for someone to make a good choice... the absence of these things can make it almost impossible... but it does come down to choice in the end. No matter how messed up you are, you can always choose not to pull the trigger. That having been said, rap just plain sucks. Yes, it's poetry. Yes, yes, it's art. I'm not going to argue those points. Newsflash, though: the world is full of art and poetry and most of it is trash. This is not a phenomenon limited to the world of rap. Most of what you can hear on the radio today is just garbage. |
You are very right, somewhat. A very major majority of people don't do stuff because they saw someone do it in a video, or heard them do it in lyrics, and such... Gang related stuff almost always has to do with the area you are living in, and stuff like pimping prostitutes does also. Yes, about every annoying gangeter kid in school thinks he's a pimp, but that doesn't mean he has actually tried to pimp girls (He could be a player, but most of them are so dumb they can't get it right.).
Music mostly just makes you feel a certain way. Country and such makes you feel energetic, rap makes you feel big, rock makes you feel low. The lyrics aren't really the thing that makes people behave certain ways, it is the actual music itself. Also, the rock and rap artists have the lyrics that sell the best. There is a good chance that they haven't done anything they say they have done in their music. Many phychologists are right. Many are wrong. The ones that say, music, TV, and the such are what's corrupting society are wrong. What is corrupting society and our youth, is not stuff like music. People constantly battling to be the best, phycologically and physically, and that is what is corrupting society. Causes? Growing population, and not good enough control over everyone is the main cause. We do not police things such as prejudice thinking, unless it has to do with race, which we need to grow out of to make the world a better place. |
I've already voiced my opinions on what effects music has(I believe it was a rather large thread). Let me see if I can find it.
Smaller than I thought, here it is: [link] |
Tseng True Guerilla wrote:
Not to be racist, but most white people think rap is about guns, gang violence, drugs and sex. It is not. It is poetry with attitude. That's why I like Del so much. One of my favorite songs by him him he says this "Rap aint about bustin caps and f***in b****es. It's about fluency with rhymin ingeniunity" Those are probably the lyrics that stick out the most to me and that's why I don't really like commercial rap that much. |
That's why I like Del so much. One of my favorite songs by him him he says this "Rap aint about bustin caps and f***in b****es. It's about fluency with rhymin ingeniunity" I think it's funny that he felt the need to work in a reference to bustin caps and fasterisking basteriskes while trying to make a point about rap's artistry. :P |
He's not saying that rapping about those things is wrong. He's just saying because you rap about those things it doesn't make you a good rapper. Some of his songs do talk about f***in b****es but you can rap about anything you want, as long as it has fluency and rhymin ingenuity.
Bleh. I hate hip hop. All it does it promote fake life styles.
I miss the old school hip hop. Now a days they just rap about bitches, money, and how the white man stole everything from them. I think it'd be appropriate as a response to 'how the white man stole everything from them' in saying a quote from the movie '25th Hour': "Slavery ended one hundred and thirty seven years ago. Move the f*** on!" |
Thats the stereotype most white people have about hip hop. Good hip hop is, well, good. If you want me to give you some good songs I will.