A couple of hours ago, I was on AIM, and I got flamed by some guy who claimed to be from BYOND, and was asking me to help him with his DBZETA remake, he overheard my talking about Eternal, my non-zeta, which is still having some issues...
He tells me that If I wanted to produce a Zeta to blow all the rips out of the water, then I should stop lying about my project, and get to work. He called me a newbie, then a well, gay person... THEN he has the nerve to raise my warning level!
Today was not a good day...
Upon approach, I asked why He did not believe me about eternal's progress, and he said he saw the pictures I posted a while ago, and claims that the images were not based around 32-divisible numbers, right now they are 33x74, and therefore could not be done in BYOND...
what a jerk... I told him I was using multiple bodyparts as objects, blending the clothing layers and minor overlays, and applying multiple pixel offsets to the parts so that they will fit on the frame...
Man, I really hate the internet for this reason, people are rude and cruel because of their idea that they are untraceable...
Oh, and don't make fun of me because I am making a DB game, but I just feel that given something better than zeta, with advanced systems and cheat-proof encryptions, people will give up on zeta completely...
Anyway, just wanted to share my day with you all, later!
![]() Sep 3 2003, 9:26 am
Doesn't AIM have a function to ban jerks? It sounds like this person might be a prime candidate.
It might just be...
Anyway, I talked to the guy again, he wan't too kind, so I warned him twice, logged off, and I'm not goiung to use AIM for a while... |
Don't fret it. I get insults/threats all the time on AIM/MSN from DBZeta game owners telling me that I'd better stop with my game or else something "bad" may happen to my computer. Simply put, anything that makes "their" game look bad is crap. So, don't worry too much about the words said from a 12 year old chump. By the way, maybe I can play your new game some time? I'd like to see the competiton. =D
I dont know if AIM has the block function as MSN does(i dont use AIM much), but why dont you just block anyone who annoys you.
It's still kind of buggy, but I think I could bum you a copy... maybe... Just as a demo, or such... It cuts out most of the useless species, such as the Boo things, the Majins, etc. I thought I should stick with the traditional Humans, Saiyans, Half-saiyans, Nameks, and MAYBE Icers...
But the hard part is getting the graphics all lined up, because I use like nine different objects per player just to make them look human... Or I'll just post a screenie... |
yeah, i get that sometimes too, mostly when my project was first started (about 3 years ago), because it was based off some source that a friend gave me to help start my own DB game, which after close observation, turned out to be quite Zeta-fied. i got flamed on AIM a number of times by random pricks saying that i "better not release this".. so i just scrapped it, saving all the code and icons just in case i needed something here or there, but i started fresh, and i still get "death threats" occasionally... >:-) i think its that they just envy my potential. :-) but sides that, if you wanna check it out, the name of it is "Dragonball Z - Legend of the Dark SSJ". im nowhere NEAR finished, or even to testing phases (need an iconer and maybe a coder or two), mostly because im too distracted by Thief and Guild Wars.. lol.
I didn't know people still use the Warning system for things other than "Let's see who can hit 100% first" sort of games.