how do you make new lists in the contents of a mob? Like the contents itself is but another one inside it like for spells or similiar. So I could then display its contents in a statpanel and they could be interacted with thru that panel. So basically an inventory window seperate from the mob.contents but still accessible to that mob thru a statpanel. Hope I splained ok =)
In the players vars, like on a DBZ rip, where they have Powerlevel, and stuff, put "list/(name of list) = list()"
But don't include the ""'s or the first set of ( ).

In response to Gokuss4neo

That's my way of making lists. =] Is there an Up to using "var/list/L=list()"?
In response to Yota
The compiler likes it more, maybe?
In response to Yota
Yota wrote:

That's my way of making lists. =] Is there an Up to using "var/list/L=list()"?

I think it's clearer, although you shouldn't initialize a list for a mob var that way--unless you want all mobs to share the same list. Rather, lists, should be initialized in New()--or, better still, when you need them.

Lummox JR