this is wats going on
2 Problems
this is my inventory panel code


Note : i have all the contents on my new inventory panel... but i want only ITEMS on it!! but my Techniques on my inventory panel. i would like to know how to get rid of the Technique from my inventory panel!

hmm i was trying to make a code for my game...and its not working right!!!!!

i want to change my item's icon and use the new a item..

i can see the icon changed but..when i wearing them it change back to old do i make a code to keep the Overlay of my edited icon on my charactor...

i was trying to code this two for 6 days! -_-''

thans alot people
tick tock tick tock!!!!

waiting .. nervous >.>''

- Dtroys
In response to Dtroys
A bump after about 30 minutes. Now that's funny 8D.

In response to Camaro
-_-'' Camaro :P

i need seriously need help :)

In response to Dtroys
-bumps into a wall- .....o.o;;;;....-30 minutes later is delt(delt?..looks weird..) 2 damage and says owch-
In response to Karasu Kami
"nods" looks up and down >,> ^,^ <,< v_v !!!!"nods"
