Sep 26 2003, 5:53 pm
How can I display an image to the screen like a bmp and not have it reduced to 32x32 before its tiled? I wanna use it at full size.
In response to DarkView
just save bmp and put use it as a turf
turf BigPicture icon = 'BigPicture.bmp' and go to map and use Add instead of fill and should know what to do afterwards |
When a bmp is used it is broken up to work like a dmi. The null state is the shrunk version. Then the rest are generated depending on the co-ordinates they corospond to in 32x32 sections (Starting at "0,0".
For example, I have a 64x64 pixel pictures. I want to display the top right corner. I would set it's icon_state to "1,1".
I hope this helps. It's a little rough because I'm busy. Hopefully someone else will respond to clear everything up.