In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:

Anyone who kills themself over something this trivial wasn't bound to go long before finding some other mundane thing to kill themselves over.

Perhaps they are fragile, but is the law not there to defend the weak?

Think about it yourself. What would it take to drive you over the edge and kill yourself?

I would only kill myself if my death meant the survival of all existance on the planet, but if anything were to happen to my son or girlfriend I'd kill everyone responsible, this is a conscious choice I've made.

Hopefully it is something so extreme as to never happin, because if it's just losing a character in a game you need to seek help.

Correct, they do need help, and right now that help is not there, that is what this topic of discussion is about. but it appears to me that you are unwilling to help those in need, instead you judge them.

I've lost many a characters in ZAngband, TOME, and other roguelikes some I played for months before they died. It's highly frusterating but other than not playing the game for a month or so I don't let it get to me anymore. Some people just need to learn how not to be a sore loser and if winning and being good in a game are the only things that make a game fun for you you should play something where you can't lose.

We arent talking about things that are supposed to happen through game mechanics, only that which happens through exploits, bugs, or stealing on e-bay.

Note: Although I used the pronoun you the whole time I didn't actually mean to refer to you as an individual but people in general :P.

Yes, we all have the ability to understand that without it being written, some of "us" are lost without deeper descriptions though :)
In response to Dareb
Perhaps they are fragile, but is the law not there to defend the weak?

Yeah these type of players should be removed from the game and get some real help. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the game designers to cater to the mentally deranged at the expense of the sane players who are probably the majority.

Correct, they do need help, and right now that help is not there, that is what this topic of discussion is about. but it appears to me that you are unwilling to help those in need, instead you judge them.

The discution of this thread seems to be how to impose ridiculus laws on the players of online games. A person who takes a game serious to the point of killing themselves should be removed from the game until they are mentally stable enough to realize it's just a game.

We arent talking about things that are supposed to happen through game mechanics, only that which happens through exploits, bugs, or stealing on e-bay.

Whenever you introduce a large number other players you are garunteed to have jerks. It's unavoidable and if you want to play a MMO game you just have to deal with it since things won't change. By imposing a large ruleset to try and hamper the jerks you only hurt the players since the jerks will continually find ways to be jerks. There is nothing illegal about being a jerk or the jails would be even more crowded than they already are.

Yes, we all have the ability to understand that without it being written, some of "us" are lost without deeper descriptions though :)

Some people seem to take things way too personally so I just wanted to clarify to be safe.
In response to Dareb
I'm not talking about that, I mean someone buying the item/account on ebay or something...
In response to Jon Snow
Ahh... well... I understand now... you're right about the ebay thing, but when it comes to bugs and cheats, the Admin should look into it, reimberse the person who got hurt, and ban the person who caused the problem. People say this is just too much trouble... well, not if you're patient. I used to play Ultima Online (aka UO) and well, most people rely on players skilled in blacksmithing to repair damaged objects. Now, I had an AWESOME sword I gave to someone to repair, and then he ran off. Luckily, I took note of the name, and petitioned... and not too long after, an admin teleported us both to a room, looked through our records, found he did indeed steal the item, gave the item back to me, and temporarily banned the person.
In response to Blueseed15
well I admit UO is one of the best games when it comes to that kinda stuff... but a game like shadowbane where money is little so having your programmers have to admin also can be a pain and a hassle but you make a good point:P
In response to Dareb
Dareb wrote:
now that would be downright insane.

I believe players that just continuously slaughter other players should receive a fine as a peenalty and if they choose to consider it increases until either they stop, or unable to pay.

I believe that if players are gonna pk, they should do it in game, I find that most pks in games think of the most lame excuse to kill someone.

I agree to role playing, but the role must be a part of the game world. otherwise you are playing outside of the games intentions and are then responsible for your own actions.

Real world law enforcing RPing? Now that's downright insane. It's up to the owner of the game to say if you need an excuse or not.
The it's clearly out of the real world laws duristriction. It would be like Dracon taking Dantom Internation to court for banning him.
In response to DarkView
I agree completely. This is completely stupid!

Id love to actually see someone charged a fine or sent to jail because they PK'ed a online player, or broke into their houses and stole online goods.

The idea of it is just silly...

If players can PK or steal from one another, that is usually built into the game. Usually to make it more inrteasting to the gamer.

I think if anyone should be enforcing laws on a online game is the people who devloped it to begin with. I can understand someone being banned or muted for a week for cursing out a channel or spam killing a player. But a fine or jail.

These people coming up with this new bull crap really need a life. I bet you anymoney this idea was started by some idiot nerd who sat in his parents basment for 2 years playing EverQuest and had his +2000 Hours player killed or looted.

Please, people need to get a life.
In response to Jon Snow
I have a standing rule in my Hedgerow Hall servers... anybody who threatens someone with extragamular action (pager banning, banning from other games, hack attacks, viruses etc.) for something done in game is thrown out on their ass. I would apply the same standard to anyone who seeks legal remedy. Why? Because they're making the game less real for the people who actually treat it as such.

If someone steals from you in the game, it should be dealt with... in the game. Bringing in outside forces doesn't make the game more real, it makes it less real.

Imagine someone rips you off in real life... you take someone to court and sue them for fraud, and as a punishment, you're told that the 23rd iteration of their astral soul self will have to pay $3,000 Ecto-Dollars to your astral soul self in the next life time. First, your reaction would be "Huh?" and second it would be, "Well how does that help me?"

So when the gang of thieves lays siege to Serif the Warrior's house and robs him blind... how can Serif a) comprehend and b) benefit from a monetary penalty exacted by you as a player against the other players?

By taking them to court... you are ignoring and denying the reality of the game world.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress, I have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, but thank you for the word "extragamular".
In response to Gughunter
Praising my powers of lexigeneration is always constructive.
In response to Shades
your OPINION is a valid one, but this is a serious topic which should be brought to the courts for them to decide.. I agree that it should not be mandatory for game companies to enforce these rules, but it should be possible.

Please understand that having a day job is a waste of a life, people who sit in a basement for years on end have more value in life than most people who work for a living, there are thousands of alternative ways of generating income. those that require the least amount of time are the best.

Also please understand that you are no authority in judging who has a life, and people who take games seriously aren't lacking in any way.

and as for fines for misbehaving in games? ridiculous, no?

if you look at anything hard enough it can appear ridiculous.

at first im pretty sure people considered street lights to be ridiculous, parking tickets, even speeding tickets. im sure there are still people out there who would like to believe that they have reason to fight logic, there are many people like you. you know.. the changeless self destructive types., aka archie bunkers.
In response to Jon Snow
ah, UO 4-5 years ago, I was probably the most evil person to ever log in, even to this day. for this I deeply regret. I massively abused a weakness in the games engine to force people to loot blue corpses. In doing this I killed well over 20 people every day for 2 years. I forcably made them losemonths, if not years of work. tower deeds, castle deeds, guild keys, runes,.

I single-handedly massively slaughtered and destroyed whole guilds. I made hundreds quit the game.. IF they quit the game at all :S.

I also took advantage of the hierarchy of the administrators and literally undermined all their authority by throwing their own policies back at them whenever they threatened my account. I was invincible.

So, I guess that makes me the absolute authority and would make my statements fact, not just opinion

In response to Dareb
I was kind of the opposite... I would always serve as a witness to rules I saw broken, kill criminals in Felucia (which ended up costing me my really good sword once again... but I eventually had money to buy a new one, yet I quit soon after it was taken anyways), I even gave people some things for free.... large amounts of food... bandages... regeants... just basic survival supplies... I happened to play around the same time as you...
In response to Dareb
and as for fines for misbehaving in games? ridiculous, no?

if you look at anything hard enough it can appear ridiculous.

It didn't take any effort in looking hard to make this look ridiculus. This type of thing is like the episode of Saturday Night live with the japanese game show. That was funny because of how exageratted it was and will likly never happin which is what made it funny(ie the losers having to chop off thier fingers). The concept of real world penalties for playing a game is the same kind of humorus thing as the SNL episode.

at first im pretty sure people considered street lights to be ridiculous, parking tickets, even speeding tickets. im sure there are still people out there who would like to believe that they have reason to fight logic, there are many people like you. you know.. the changeless self destructive types., aka archie bunkers.

I'm not opposed to change but some things shouldn't even be considered reasonable. Currently there is no homicidal maniack liceanse to restrict the number of killings maniacks are allowed to legally make a year. Since some people seem to find killing ok should they be accomidated as such? Hopefully at least this seems like a ridiculus change to you. Does this make you an "archie bunker" because you oppose a change?
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