I am interested in what some of you think of my freehand drawings I have just done:

I used only a large and a medium brush to make those in paint.

Also, if someone is bored (like me), i'd like to see what other people can do freehand as well.
Very impressive for something made in paint. I would show you what I can make in paint, but I honestly don't feel like making an idiot of myself in front of the whole community >.>

Sweet! If you can do that with Paint, I'd love to see what you can do with Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro... =)
Holy Kinoly:)! If you can do that free hand.....well, Crispy pretty much said what I was gonna....
In response to Crispy
And then he should resize them to 32 pixels by 32 pixels and put them in a game. :)
I forgot to post my final summer freehand drawing. It took me about a week to make, and I made it completely freehand, though I needed to look at a picture in order to do it correctly. It is the girl at the bottom of the page:

Ignore the red message... The .jpgs look different in trellix than on the website.
In response to Kunark
Yet again, we are astonished by Kunark's artistic flair.

Good job.
In response to Kunark
She looks evil. Pretty, but still evil. =P You have a good artistic flair, mein freund!
I would advise trying to work your way through some Photoshop art tutorial's, I would of given you a great link but I don't have the link anymore, I think I posted it on the MLaaS forum though, I'll try grab it, its about getting freehand drawings then using Photoshop to make them elite. I guess I could try my hand at one today, if I get some spare time in lessons I'll try :)
In response to Maz
I actually don't have photoshop, though I do have Macromedia Fireworks (Thanks to either you or Crispy.). It comes with, I think, 2 tutorials, or maybe just one... But it is not just graphically based, so it is turning more and more into just making .pngs for websites.

I would like to learn how to make actual good looking gradients and such.
In response to Kunark
I didnt get around too it, no free time.
I found that tutorial too :
See if that helps you out a bit, I'd guess everything there can be translated into your macromedia thing, I'll take a look at that tomorrow as it too is at my college.
In response to Maz
these are good fr side scrollers
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I do have Macromedia Fireworks (Thanks to either you or Crispy.).

Me? I don't even own a copy of Fireworks. =P
In response to Crispy
You told me to download macromedia flash from kazaa, and I got the studios instead. It might have been maz though.
In response to Kunark
I did? I really don't recall doing such a thing... *shrug*
In response to Crispy
[link] You refered me to kazaa lite to download it, I guess I got it mixed up a bit though :P
In response to Kunark
I didn't exactly refer you to it. I merely pointed out the existence of such a method of obtaining software. ;-D