So to my question, can someone convert this to DM in the simplist way possible?
int main()
int A, B, C;
cout<<"-Simple Addition Program-"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter the first number you would like to add: ";
cout<<"Enter the second number you would like to add: ";
cout<<A<<" + "<<B<<" = "<<C<<endl;
return 0;
If you wanted to create a c++ type of environment on byond, you could do something like this:
del(src)is instead of return 0, and so long as it is within a function belonging to the client, it will terminate the client from the program. In a single-user byond environment which is not hosted with Dream Daemon, but rather with Dream Seeker (The same window that you are using to use the program.) it will terminate the program in the same way.