In all truth I've played the zeta games for hours upon hours to see what all the hype was about. I love the show DBZ though it is week in plot. I have been a DBZ fan for years and have seen every episode at least 3 times now. I would keep the original Zeta by Raekwon though.
First of all, DBEO isn't original, they use RIPPED graphics and know mostly that most Dragonball Z/GT games use the Zeta engine. That's probably the biggest reasons that I have recoded Dragonball Online (My & XxXSonGokouXxX's Version, not Goku72's). You can consider DBEO original when it doesn't use ripped graphics.
So did DBZ-SPAR. They both came from a time when using "ripped" graphics was acceptable.
However, isn't "Dragonball Online" a blantant rip off of DBEO (An attempt to clone it)? |
It depends. Zeta is a thouroughly crappy game on many levels but it still maintains a fan base. What me and Gotens are doing with SPAR hasn't been done in any BYOND game...
If you want to be creative in how you go about making the game then you just might have a good game. It's all in the skill of your staff and your player base that determines whether it's a good game or not. |
I say the best game on BYOND (not because I am a dbz lover, because quite frankly I am not) is Dragonball Genisis ( or however you spell it. I remember way back when there were no rips and Genisis was always hosted 24/7. Everyday when I came home from school, there would be like at least 20 servers if not more. To me, the game was very well put together. Then the rips started. I never liked Zeta, the graphics did not surprise me. Any other dbz games did not catch my attention. If anyone remembers that far, the game did pretty darn good. Does anyone agree?
Vakir wrote:
First of all, DBEO isn't original, they use RIPPED graphics and know mostly that most Dragonball Z/GT games use the Zeta engine. Zeta isn't an, "engine". An engine would be the basics of a system to make a MOD. Not the ENTIRE game. I am really sick and tired of people saying "Zeta Engine". |
Well, Dracon is the author of it. But, from what he's told me it wasn't supposed to be released. Just a "test" to see what he could do. But, yes it does resemble it some what :-p
Goku72 wrote:
Zeta isn't an, "engine". An engine would be the basics of a system to make a MOD. Not the ENTIRE game. I am really sick and tired of people saying "Zeta Engine". Yeah, that is pretty annoying, but at least it's amusing (Like watching people brag about being master "coders"). |
BYOND Playa wrote:
Does anyone agree? Totally disagree. Genesis was a really low quality game (even worse if you've seen the source code). There were plenty of better DBZ games back then. I think Gen just got popular because of it's loose attitude (You could do what you want as long as you didn't annoy the mods on a personal level). |
Been longer than that, buddy. =PLast year or so... Ever since DBEO sprang up, someone else took their hand at it, and someone else, and someone else, and it was a chain reaction. Man, that was such a long time ago. As far as this question is concerned... No one is putting originality into it. They all have the same basic attack verb system and all. Everything is verb driven. There is little effort put into an appealing design, which is one thing that I hate. I'm very big on nice designs. What I want to see... 1. A mix between battle systems. Random combat with action-RPG style, but still turn-based in a way. Confusing? Kind of, but I know what I mean... 2. Original icons, damnit! 3. Difficulty. I recall being able to get SSJ at minimum within a single day of playing. I thought SSJ was supposed to be difficult? C'mon guys! 4. PK restriction. You can attack anything, anywhere, anytime. This goes for almost all of them, which gets annoying when you're a lower level. 5. How about a party based system. Force people to group if they want to proceed in the game or grow in power. It makes it more fun, and more challenging. Those are just my opinions and views, so I don't expect anyone to live by them. It'd just be nice to see, since its a completely different approach on a DBZ game. |
I know this is probably all late and everything, but I have to make this comment before I snap...
Okay, firstly, I have been on BYOND since the beginning, and I have played the majority of the DBZ games that are out there, even ones that are in development. But I also come from Tabletop RPG's, and also Text-Based RPGs, or MUD's. In many games that I have played, there has been one common thing that unfortunately many of the games here on BYOND lack, what Tabletop RPG, and MUD's possess. Two little letters, that mean so much: RP. Now, I don't mean to make people feel stupid, or anything, but I feel that along the way of making these "RPG's" (I put this in quotes for a reason.), we have lost our way, and forgotten what is RP? RP means by definition, Role Play, or playing a role of someone different, much like an actor does in a movie, or in this case, a television show. Why am I saying this? Because many players and GM's have not emphasized Roleplay. Everytime I have been on one, I have seen the OOC used more than the RP channels, and if the RP channels are used, it is used solely for the purpose of OOC affairs. Might I remind players and Developers that the use of the OOC Channel is for Out of Character stuff, keep the out of character stuff in the OOC channel, and bring the Roleplay stuff to the RP channel, where it belongs. This includes things like for example: Guy 1 (RP): "How do I set my aura color to Yellow?" Guy 2 (RP): "Here 255,255,0" Do you see what's going on, they are both using the RP Channel to discuss how to change aura colors. This should be enforced that if you are talking about things like that, take them out to like OOC, or better yet, the rarely used pager. It makes a lot of sense instead of just saying it on an RP Channel. GM's, this is where you are gonna have to lay down your own version of the law: here's the deal, you have to give incentives to your players.I am not talking about PL boosts, or something, but like maybe a boost in ki for a good roleplay, or maybe something around the lines of making their own move. Do you see where I am going here? It's a constant communication between GM's and players that keep the lines going both ways. That's what make RPG's go farther, if you roleplay your character players, the story goes farther, and it doesn't not become a constant run of the mill hack and slash fly-by-night that some coder worked on all for not, if players roleplay more, the world becomes more and more expansive, and will probably leave the boundaries of BYOND. Dragon Ball series is a great base to start from, and create a well-defined Role-Playing game. It just needs people who are willing to Role-Play, and GM's who are willing to reward Roleplay, not just create a space for people to fight. So therefore, in this long-winded essay, I say that Dragon Ball Z games are great, but if you are making one, RP must be enforced a little, so that a story ideas can be made from these great method of communication between GM's and players. |
LilTrunks wrote:
Lately there has been much debute over DBZ games in byond. I personally think that there is no game in byond which could be classified as a fun DBZ Game. What a good DragonBall game on BYOND would need is for the creator of it to never hear the phrase ‘Do you want Zetas code to help you with your game?’ It’s basically all because of the trend of Zeta rips that discouraged BYONDers from the whole “DBZ issue”, lets look at BYOND before Zeta.. The vast majority of the DBZ Games were original, because Genesis rips were slowley beginning to fade away. Are you saying at the time of DB: NN, you did not have fun playing that? Was that not a fun DBZ Game? How about Genesis when it started, wasn’t that fun? How about spar, wasn’t that fun? what about DBEO?? It’s because of Zeta everyone’s prospective of DBZ on BYOND has changed. And it’s brought chaos to the community. It honestly just needs to stop. RaeKwon |
RaeKwon wrote:
LilTrunks wrote: No matter how much you update Zeta, it's still going to be the same, old "marrrrr". Spar will reign supreme. If you really want to impress people, try making new base sprites, and new tiles for the game... |
Tone down the flaming. I'll show you your post with an intellectual perspective:
"[Chop]These people are obviously [misguided] if their dream is to build a DBZ game even though there are 60 other games. [Chop][Chop][Chop]DBZ was once just a show, now its a [chop] "blown out of context" [snip] waste of [snip] time for children[snip]."
Not much there, is there?