![]() Nov 8 2003, 7:52 pm
In response to Sticky_Chronic
I do think that is wrong, they should both be illigal. But ill settle for half of it for now.
Sorry to correct you, but mary jane has something like 6 times the cancer causing agents in it and doesnt have a filter on it(im sorry, but a bong may filter out large particals, but who says thats the cancer causing one?)
Nope, and dont plan on it, why you ask. Because if i never smoke one, i never have to deal with the addiction, at all. And also because it doesnt do anything. It is a pointless life,money,and whatnot waister. How about i start throwing my money into the street, cutting myself, and throwing poop all over my walls, that will about equal out the effects, oh ya, and not brush my teeth for a year or two. Sound good to you?
/me loved that book, only one he read under his free will.
Well, that and the sequal "Speaker for the dead" |
Natural weed has more that chemicals than natural tabacco. But I do believe cigarette tabacco has more poisons in it than weed, but like I said a good amount get's filtered out, but if you ever cut open a cigarette and packed it in a pipe and just took one fat rip you would definitly throw up from all the toxins, you would probably throw up if you just took a fat rip from a cigarette itself..
Cigarettes have like 2000 chemicals, weed only has 200 and something, of which only like 15 are hazardous to your health.
Sticky_Chronic wrote:
I'd rather smoke a natural plant then chemicals. I take medication for my asthma. Steroids, in fact. Certainly chemical, wouldn't you say? If I didn't take them, I'd have an asthma attack and die. I need those chemicals to survive. Poison ivy is natural, but it won't cure my asthma. If I smoked poison ivy it'd kill me. Really, shut the hell up before you make yourself look even more stupid. |
I can think of all kinds of reasons why marijuana should be legalized, and only one reason why it shouldn't: every single habitual user I've ever met. :P
Seriously, I don't think that marijuana should be illegal... but I think the fact that marijuana is illegal is actually a secondary effect, a symptom of the main problem, which is that it's something that's been horribly, horribly overblown by our society, and you (along with everyone else with "blunt", "chronic", or suchlike things in their names) are simply part of the problem... there's two sides here, pro-weed and anti-weed, and the only thing both sides agree on is the one thing that both side have absolutely wrong: that weed matters, weed is a big deal, that weed is something worth fighting over. Weed's never going to be legalized in this country, not as long as people like you insist on being the poster boy for the cause. You walk around acting like cartoon characters from a cautionary film strip shown to classrooms full of junior high students in the 70s. Yeah. That's gonna win 'em over. Before the public relations campaigns which got cannabis criminalized in the first place, no one cared that much about it... it was kind of just one more thing. If it's ever going to be decriminalized, it'll only be because it's lost its controversial edge, meaning, no one cares that much about it again. Yeah, I'm all for getting the government the hell out of anything the government has no business being in, but on a scale of 0 to 10, this issue rates somewhere around 0.0446 in terms of cosmic significance. |
Cyanide pills only have one active chemical in them*. So obviously, that means they're much better for your health than, say, a single light beer. </sarcasm>
*Disclaimer: They could very well have more than that; I'm by no means an expert on the subject. But that's irrelevant to my point. |
Ya I never really looked at it that way. It's just my opinion that anything that doesn't hurt anyone but yourself(to a certain degree) like certain drugs that won't really affect the people around you negetivly, like cocaine, weed, ecstacy, alcohal and a few others should be legal. Prostitution and gambling are also things I think are totaly pointless to be illegal, who are those things hurting hurting? This country(US) has too many stupid pointless laws that are just annoying and aren't helping anyone.
You should smoke weed for your asthma, it has medicinal properties that will help it. And my point was that if I had the choice of smoking a plant for say, asthma or a chemical, I'd chose the plant(in this case you can but SOME PEOPLE think it should be illegal *glares around at all of you anti-weed people*). It's just my prefence cause chemicals kinda scare me.
Sticky_Chronic wrote:
You should smoke weed for your asthma, it has medicinal properties that will help it. I've never heard anyone claim that before, and I'd want to see a proper, controlled, scientific experiment before I'd take it for medicinal purposes. (Unless I was dying from some horrible, painful disease which had no other treatment available, but asthma does not fall into this category.) In any case, weed contains dangerous chemicals. At least the chemicals in the prescribed medication do what they're supposed to, with no unwanted side effects. And my point was that if I had the choice of smoking a plant for say, asthma or a chemical, I'd chose the plant(in this case you can but SOME PEOPLE think it should be illegal *glares around at all of you anti-weed people*). It's just my prefence cause chemicals kinda scare me. Technically, water is a chemical. =P Did you think of that? Sure, you should be careful about what you're putting into your body. But I think you're being careful about the wrong substances. |
It's a freshman reading requirement for the first quarter at my school, although I did find the book rather enjoyable. And there is more than just one sequel ;).
I don't think that anybody hates you for smoking, I think people don't like you for coming out and wearing it like a badge. I can remember when I decided not to do it anymore, and it's when I got so messed up with it that I decided to roll weed in toilet paper and burned my nose, but during that time I didn't go around telling people that I do it.
Crispy wrote:
*Disclaimer: They could very well have more than that; I'm by no means an expert on the subject. But that's irrelevant to my point. Afraid of stupid people to go and chug down an entire bottle of Cyanide eh? =p |
Ya, its required for many schools, not for mine though. I actualy found it while on a layover in chicago. I was bored and had a few hours, so i bought a book. Probably the best 10 bucks i have spent in a while. Im aware there is more than one sequel, "Speaker for the Dead" is the second one though.
Goku72 wrote:
Afraid of stupid people to go and chug down an entire bottle of Cyanide eh? =p I included that disclaimer because I don't actually know that cyanide only has one active ingredient. It's just a guess, and I didn't want people arguing with me on that. Much better to be arguing on the actual post of my post. =) |
Well, reason why I stated that is because here in the US, lots of dumb people win law suits because there wasn't a "sign" telling them not to do this and that. Like, for instance...one of my parents friends got sued by a burglar for breaking into their house and their dog bit him. He said there was no, "No Tresspassing" signs any where's near or on the house, and there were no signs implicating there was a, "BAD DOG" in the house. He won, they had to dish out over $100,000 in medical bills and compensate for the "emotional damage of court". And, another "dumb act" was when someone sued McDonalds for not having a "CAUTION: HOT" on their cups and they burnt them selves. I truly don't see how the jury could have let these idiotic, stupid people win such a ridiculous case...