Do you know how much extra garbage is in most weed? Pretty much any dealer who is out to make money mixes in extra stuff to A) Sell you less weed for more, and B) Give you a bigger buzz so you think it's better weed (When your really taking a much more dangerous and unpredictable drug).
I would say cigarettes are more dangerious because of the quanity of them people smoke compared to the quanity of the other drugs people smoke. This is only based on quanity and not on the amount of chemicals within them.
No offense but that's as funny as hell. It's like the simpson, but this time its real. How the heck do you win such things. I gotta do something like that one day. JK
Not to argue you with you or anyhting I don't think I'm wearing it like a badge. I only mentioned that I smoked to try and start up a conversation. I was also curious as to how many people smoke. I used to live in New Hampshire and there was very little underage smoking and drinking there. But out here in Minnesota it is the complete opposite. Every weekend there's a few party happening with some drinking. Over 70% of the teens in this town and the surrounding towns smoke. That's just a guess. From my personal experience with friends and people I know.
Why the hell are you always trying to pick a fight with me? I was just giving my opinion on the nonhealthyness between cigarettes and other drugs. Just cause I smoke cigarettes doesn't make it alright and I am fully aware of the health issues and am willing to deal with them.
well yeah. But just breathing is unhealthy ain't it. With all those supposed toxins in the air *Begins to hold* I ain't dying from those toxins. Wait a sec I don't care about those Toxins *Begins to breath**Gags**Dies* X(
Of course I"m probably remembering all this wrong, if someone would correct me it's been like a year since I did a report on marijuana...