Maz, I finished the first, complete beginners edition of my pixel-art tutorial. Yes it is on Tripod, because I have approximately 2 hours before I lose my computer, for a long, long time, and possibly longer. I will be back when I can be, but I'm afraid I wont be for a while.

I hope you can transfer it onto your webhost and start gathering people's pixel-art tutorials without me.

To Kingdom Development: I can't be your main-programmer, etc. for now. I hope you can work on it umong yourselves if your able to.

I was luckely able to release my game before it happened, and might release a quick fix for it right before I lose it. Otherwise, goodbye for now.
Rats. I'm sorry to hear it.

Drop me a line when you get back and we'll get your next tutorial set up.
Hate to see you go Kunark, come back soon.
In response to Jnco904
why is he leaving? DId he get grounded?
In response to Nave
My guess would be grades, but i dont know at all.
Sounds grim, I guess I need to make some sort of portal for these tutorials... humm
Anyway, I await your return ;)
In response to Scoobert
This will probably be my last post here... But yes, it's my math grade, and because I'm sooo bad at math, and always have been, I am unable to pass the class this year. There is just no way I can. I've fallen behind so badly because I have to learn math at my own pace, and so I can't keep up with the class. I have 2 more years to pass it but she is being strict to me having to pass it this year.

I will try to persuade her to allow me on the computer after I show her that I have studied and done my homework each day (In which I -was- doing my homework, but I just couldn't figure out the math.).
That made me chuckle.
In response to FuZzY DiCe
You are an evil (word not allowed in BYOND forums)! Lol!

In response to FuZzY DiCe
What makes me chuckle is you still owe me a 20 dimes refund because of your little scam and I let it go.
In response to Kunark
Or did the local police finally catch you looking at kiddy porn? hehehe j/k
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
In which I -was- doing my homework, but I just couldn't figure out the math.

You should have got someone here to help you. I'm sure one of the Guru's would have been willing to help, and probably been able to explain it better then your teachers.

Anyway you probably won't read this until you get back, but see ya.
In response to Kunark
Blah blah blah whatever man.
In response to Kunark
I know how that is, my Algebra 1 average is currently a 56, except my mom has no idea until we get our progress reports =/. Oh, and I havn't been doing my math homework, which seems to be the only difference, heh.

In response to Kunark
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo... Don't leaveses us, Kunark! =(

If by some lucky chance you manage to get internet access again soon, I'll be more than happy to help you with any maths problems you run into. Until then, adios.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo... Don't leaveses us, Kunark! =(

If by some lucky chance you manage to get internet access again soon, I'll be more than happy to help you with any maths problems you run into. Until then, adios.

Same here, and if you post math questions, I'm pretty sure LummoxJR probably won't be able to stop himself from explaining ;)

As far as finding internet access, check you local public library. I know the ones here have free internet access which you can sign up for in one or two hour blocks. Plus, your mom would probably like the fact that you are going to the library.

Good luck!
In response to Flick
Explain? He would write you an essay with diagrams :)
In response to Maz
How can a coder have bad math skills?
In response to Nave
Kunark lies. He is now an official potato farmer. Good luck Kunark!
In response to Nave
It's very simple. Coders don't do math. Coders tell the computer to do math for them.

What would make more sense is, "How can a programmer have poor communication skills?" Or more pointedly, "How can someone with poor communication skills become a programmer?"
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