![]() Nov 26 2003, 7:26 am
My enemies don't work. They attack anything and everything. Also the usally don't want to wander around the map. I need help!!!!
![]() Nov 26 2003, 7:29 am
You could at least post your code LOL.
Pc Monster name = "Floating Head" icon = 'monsters.dmi' icon_state = "monster" hp = 15 max_hp = 15 str = 2 var/mob/P New() . = ..() spawn() Wander() proc/Wander() while(src) step_rand(src) sleep(5) var/Actiontaken = FALSE for(P in oview(5)) for(P in oview(5)) Actiontaken = TRUE step_towards(usr,P) sleep(5) for(P in oview(1)) attack(usr) Actiontaken = TRUE for(P in oview(1)) if(Actiontaken == FALSE) step_rand(src) sleep(5) break sleep(5) proc/attack(mob) var/damage = rand(1,2) usr.hp -= damage usr << "The Floating Head attacks You!" sleep(1) usr << "You take [damage] damage!" death_check() if(src.hp == 0) usr.exp += 3 usr << "You gain 3 exp for the defeat!" usr.Level() del(P) else ..() |
while(src) step_rand(src) sleep(5) var/Actiontaken = FALSE for(P in oview(5)) for(P in oview(5)) Actiontaken = TRUE step_towards(usr,P) sleep(5) for(P in oview(1)) attack(usr) Actiontaken = TRUE for(P in oview(1)) if(Actiontaken == FALSE) step_rand(src) sleep(5) break sleep(5) There's your problem. Can you figure it out? The monster is aka P and you're telling it to attack P. Get on Dream Seaker and I'll try to help you out more. |
/*Thank you for your help but there seemes to be one more problem therer are 4 error messages var var var :warning: variable defined but not used this is the script */ while(src) var/actiontaken = FALSE step_rand(src) sleep(5) for(P in oview(5)) for(P in oview(5)) actiontaken = TRUE step_towards(usr,P) sleep(5) for(P in oview(1)) attack(usr) /*error1*/ actiontaken = TRUE for(P in oview(1)) /*e3*/ if(actiontaken == FALSE) step_rand(src) sleep(5) break sleep(5) // as you can see from the error messages the "actiontaken" // don't work |
You need to read some of the other posts in this thread. Most of your problem stems from abuse of usr.
Lummox JR |
First of all, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER confuse "usr" with "player" or "client". They are VASTLY different. We're talking about something like the difference between a rock and a thermo-nuclear warhead with a poodle sitting on it kind of difference. Basically, there are TWO places where you want to use usr: in verbs, and in Click(), DblClick(), MouseEntered(), etc. (all the links that are provided when looking up Click() in the reference).
Second of all, procs such as oview(), view(), range(), hearers(), orange(), etc. all take TWO arguments: the range, and the center. If you only provide the range, then the center defaults to usr. Refer to the paragraph above for information about using usr. (After typing "ever" so many times, I realize how silly of a word it is...) |
Garthor wrote:
(After typing "ever" so many times, I realize how silly of a word it is...) I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever write a song about Sibby. |